
A wrapper around Ngrok providing a secure tunnel to localhost for demoing your Elixir/Phoenix web application or testing webhook integrations.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Ngrok Elixir Library

Fork: This library was forked from https://github.com/joshuafleck/ex_ngrok

A wrapper around Ngrok providing a secure tunnel to localhost for demoing your Elixir/Phoenix web application or testing webhook integrations.

Once installed, ngrok will manage starting and stopping Ngrok with your application and expose Ngrok's settings to your application.



Add ngrok to your mix.exs dependencies...

def deps do
  [{:ngrok, "~> 1.0", only: [:dev]}]


The default configurations may be overridden by setting any of the following in your config/config.exs file:

config :ngrok,
  # The name / path of the Ngrok executable
  executable: "ngrok"


Start Ngrok in your application / supervisor

Add the following code to your application / supervisor:

{Ngrok, port: 4000, name: MyApp.Ngrok}

The follwoing options are supported:

  • port (integer / required) - The port to tunnel.
  • protocol (atom / default: https) - The protocol to tunnel. (http / https / tcp / tls)
  • additional_arguments ([String.t()] / default: []) - Additional options to pass to ngrok.
  • name (Supervisor name / default: Ngrok) - Name of the supervisor in your application.
  • api_url (url / default: http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels) - The URL of Ngrok's API (used to retrieve its settings).
  • sleep_between_attempts (timeout (ms) / default: 200) - The amount of sleep (in ms) to put between attempts to connect to Ngrok

Retrieving your public URL

Ngrok will create a public URL that tunnels to your development machine. The URL will change every time Ngrok starts, but you can retrieve the URL by running the following:

Ngrok.public_url(MyApp.Ngrok) # => http://(.*).ngrok.io/