This repository contains documents that describe how to add events to different online calendar services that usually don't have official documentation/specs.
The primary goal of this repository is to consolidate the efforts of developers to debugging/reverse-engineering calendar services to find possible parameters and features that we can use in our products.
- carlsednaoui/add-to-calendar-buttons A simple ValillaJS library to add an "add to calendar" buttons for events.
- jojoee/add2calendar A simple ValillaJS library that allows you to add event to calendar easier
- AnandChowdhary/calendar-link NPM package for generating calendar links for both Node.js and browsers
- AnandChowdhary/add-to-calendar A library that allows you to send invites to calendar events easier
- jshor/datebook An npm module that generates downloadable iCalendar files and URLs for adding events to popular calendar apps.
- spatie/calendar-links A package to create "Add event to calendar" links
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