
Repository for DVM's basic frontend tasks

Frontend-101 (DVM, BITS Pilani)


Welcome to your first assignment! 🎉🎉 Hope you've enjoyed being a part of the frontend team at DVM so far. You've now spent a semester with frontend development and its time to take things seriously.

Working on the various projects in DVM, you will be required to have stellar knowledge of some basic topics. Being quick in cooking up some small web elements can help a lot in meeting the harsh deadlines that you'll get. All of you have already worked on small websites and are familiar with the general work of a frontend developer. However these were just basic tasks and the projects that you will need to tackle in the coming months will be of increasing complexity.

But worry not, these assignments will help streamline things greatly!

Some basic knowledge you are expected to have by now:

  • Intermediate git usage
  • A GitHub accout with Student Pack activated (The student pack is an extremely useful add on and you must take full advantage while its still valid)
  • Deploying a webpage to GitHub Pages
  • Basic HTML, CSS and Javascript knowledge
  • Googling skills

General Instructions:

  • This assignment has two parts – Namely “Set A” and “Set B”. Set A has CSS oriented tasks and Set B has JavaScript oriented tasks. It is recommended that you do Set A first and then Set B. Within sets also, the difficulty level of tasks increases from first to last task.
  • The tasks are, in general, not straight forward – and I can’t emphasise more on this! – (Especially in Set A). Think twice, code once!
  • Do not copy code from the internet, i.e., your friends’ repositories.
  • In case of any doubts, Google them. Don’t copy code from stack overflow, understand it!
  • Many tasks in these sets might not be trivial for you.That’s alright! The purpose is to learn!

You can now refer to Instruction Set-1 for further steps to follow