
Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Practical Parallel Hypergraph Algorithms (PPoPP 2020 Artifact Evaluation)

The latest code is in the Ligra GitHub repository.

Getting Started Guide

The framework code for Hygra is located in the ligra/ directory. The code for the hypergraph algorithms is in the apps/hyper/ directory, which is where compilation should be performed for the artifact evaluation. Hypergraph generators and converters are provided in the utils/ directory.

Compilation is done from within the apps/hyper/ directory. Experiments in the paper were performed using the g++ version 5.5.0 compiler with support for Cilk Plus. The operating system was Ubuntu 16.04 and the machine was a 72-core machine with 2-way hyper-threading (Dell PowerEdge R930 with four 2.4GHz 18-core E7-8867 v4 Xeon processors) with 1TB of RAM. We use 'numactl -i all' for parallel experiments for better performance.

First, install a compiler with support for Cilk Plus (g++ version 5.4.0 or later or Tapir/LLVM) on a Linux machine. If using an AWS EC2 instance with RedHat OS, the following instructions can be used to easily install g++ with Cilk Plus: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/compile-software.html. A docker image containing the g++ cilk compiler can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/r/jonniesweb/cilkplus. Instructions for installing the Tapir/LLVM compiler are available here: http://cilk.mit.edu/.

Install numactl, which is used in the parallel experiments.

To compile with g++ using Cilk Plus, define the environment variable CILK. (Note: OpenMP compilation is also supported, but we found that Cilk Plus gives the best performance and thus should be used for the artifact evaluation.) Results will vary depending on the machine (number of cores and sockets, cache sizes, memory bandwidth, clock speed, etc.) used for experiments.

The commands for compilation are as follows:

$ export CILK=1 #sets environment variable
$ make -j  #compiles with all threads

The following commands cleans the directory:

$ make clean #removes all executables
$ make cleansrc #removes all executables and linked files from the ligra/ directory

Python 2.7 is used for running the scripts, so make sure it is installed (https://docs.datastax.com/en/install/6.7/install/installPython27RHEL.html).

Step-by-Step Instructions

For a quick test, the user may run the scalability experiments on a small dataset provided in the inputs/ directory by passing "QUICK" as an argument to the script. This will not require any generation or download of files.

$ cd ppopp20-ae/apps/hyper/
$ ./run_scalability QUICK | tee scalability_results.txt #default: runs experiments on a small dataset

All of the scripts with default configurations (without large test files and the experiment in Ligra with the clique-expanded graph) can be run with the following command. The expected running time of this script is several days on a multicore machine with tens of cores.

$ cd ppopp20-ae/
$ ./runall

The following script will skip the scalability tests for all of the inputs except a small dataset, and also skip the test on varying thread counts on Rand1. This script should finish in several hours on a multicore machine with tens of cores.

$ cd ppopp20-ae/
$ ./runall-quick

This section describes each of the commands in more detail, including different possible configurations.

The following command downloads all of the datasets used in the paper. By default, the large Rand2 hypergraph and the clique-expanded graph for Friendster are not downloaded. However, the user may download the large datasets by passing "LARGE" as an argument to the script. The total storage required without the large datasets is 313 GB and with the large datasets is 1 TB.

$ cd ppopp20-ae/inputs/
$ ./download_datasets #downloads all datasets except for the large ones; this will take a few hours
$ cd ..

Here are other possible ways to run the download_datasets script:

$ ./download_datasets LARGE #downloads the large datasets; this will take a few hours
$ ./download_datasets RAND1 #downloads the Rand1 dataset for testing varying thread counts
$ ./download_datasets SIZES #downloads random hypergraphs of varying sizes
$ ./download_datasets DIRECTION #downloads the com-orkut and livejournal datasets 

The datasets come from the Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection (SNAP), the Koblenz Network Collection (KONECT), and synthetic random hypergraph generator provided in the utils/ directory. These datasets can be downloaded individually, and the links are provided in the Datasets section below.

To run the timing experiments, navigate to the directory with the hypergraph applications:

$ cd apps/hyper/

The command below runs all of the scalability experiments in the paper as reported in Table 2, and outputs the numbers to a file. The parallel times in the paper use all hyper-threads, and our script prints the times using all hyper-threads. Experiments are run three times, except for MIS, which is only run once since the program modifies the input (numbers reported in the paper take the minimum of three trials).

Edge-aware parallelization is used for the Orkut-group, Web, and LiveJournal hypergraphs due to their highly-skewed degree distributions. By default, the large Rand2 hypergraph is not included in the experiments, however it will be included if "LARGE" is passed as an argument to the script. If "QUICK" is passed as an argument to the script, the experiments will only be run on com-orkut.

Note: "HyperBFS" corresponds to "Hypertree" in the paper, "HyperKCore" corresponds to "WI k-core" in the paper, and "HyperKCore-Efficient" corresponds to "WE k-core" in the paper.

$ ./run_scalability | tee scalability_results.txt #default: runs experiments on all datasets except Rand2; this will take several days to run

Here are other ways to run the run_scalability script:

$ ./run_scalability QUICK | tee scalability_results.txt #runs experiments on a small dataset
$ ./run_scalability LARGE | tee scalability_results.txt #runs experiments on all datasets; this will take at least several days to run

The following command runs all of algorithms on a varying number of threads on Rand1 (Figure 2 in the paper), and outputs the numbers to a file:

$ ./run_varying_threads | tee varying_threads_results.txt

The following command runs all of algorithms on a varying number of hyperedges (Figure 3 in the paper), and outputs the numbers to a file. The files for this experiment can be downloaded by going to the inputs/ directory, and running the download_datasets script described above with the "SIZES" argument.

$ ./run_varying_hyperedges | tee varying_hyperedges_results.txt

The following command computes the running time of sparse, dense, and hybrid traversals on com-Orkut and LiveJournal (Figures 4 and 5 in the paper), and outputs the numbers to a file. The files for this experiment can be downloaded by going to the inputs/ directory, and running the download_datasets script described above with the "DIRECTION" argument.

$ ./run_directions | tee directions_results.txt

The following command computes the running time using different thresholds for direction-optimization on com-Orkut and LiveJournal (Figures 6 and 7 in the paper), and outputs the numbers to a file. The files for this experiment can be downloaded by going to the inputs/ directory, and running the download_datasets script described above with the "DIRECTION" argument.

$ ./run_thresholds | tee thresholds_results.txt

The following command computes the running time on the clique-expanded graph for Friendster using breadth-first search, connected components, and SSSP in Ligra. This script assumes that the clique-expanded graph for Friendster has been downloaded (see instructions above for downloading the large datasets).

$ cd ..;
$ ./run_clique | tee clique_results.txt

The paper compares to the MESH hypergraph processing system, which can be downloaded from https://github.com/mesh-umn/MESH. If the user wishes to test the performance of MESH, please follow the instructions on their GitHub page. The com-orkut hypergraph in MESH format can be downloaded from https://ppopp20-ae.s3.amazonaws.com/com-orkut-MESH.

Expected output format

The expected output format of the Hygra code is one or more lines with the running time of each trial. For example:

$ numactl -i all ./HyperBFS -s ../../inputs/com-orkut-hygra #running 3 trials on all threads
Running time : 0.031
Running time : 0.031
Running time : 0.033

$ numactl -i all ./HyperBFS -s -rounds 1 ../../inputs/com-orkut-hygra #running 1 trial on all threads
Running time : 0.031

$ CILK_NWORKERS=1 ./HyperBFS -s -rounds 1 ../../inputs/com-orkut-hygra #running 1 trial on one thread
Running time : 1.04

The provided scripts will run multiple experiments, and for each experiment it will output a line containing the name of the algorithm, number of threads used, and the name of the dataset (with a suffix of -hygra), followed by one or more lines with the running time of each trial. For example:

HyperBFS 1 thread(s) on com-orkut-hygra
Running time : 1.04
Running time : 1.04
Running time : 1.04

HyperBFS 144 thread(s) on com-orkut-hygra
Running time : 0.031
Running time : 0.031
Running time : 0.033


The datasets come from the following sources:

Files can be downloaded directly from SNAP and KONECT and converted to Hygra format using the converters described below in the Utilities section of this README file. Random hypergraphs can be generated directly using the random hypergraph generator described in the Utilities section. Weighted hypergraphs can be generated from the unweighted hypergraphs using the adjHypergraphAddWeights script described in the Utilities section.

Here are the links to specific files in Hygra format (which can be downloaded individually) and the corresponding files in SNAP or KONECT format:

List of claims from the paper supported by the artifact

  • The parallel hypergraph algorithms achieve good performance and parallel speedup (Table 2 and Figure 2 of the paper).

  • The parallel hypergraph algorithms achieve good scalability with respect to input size (Figure 3).

  • The hybrid traversal strategy usually improves performance over using only sparse or only dense traversals (Figures 4 and 5).

  • The performance is similar across a wide range of thresholds in the hybrid traversal strategy (Figures 6 and 7).

  • Using the hypergraph algorithms is faster than using the corresponding graph algorithms on the clique-expanded representation for BFS, CC, and SSSP, which are the only three algorithms in the paper for which the graph algorithm would produce the correct result on the clique-expanded representation.

  • Our hypergraph algorithms outperform the corresponding algorithms in MESH.

List of claims from the paper not supported by the artifact

  • The raw running times obtained by the user may differ from the numbers reported in the paper due to the use of a different machine and/or compiler.

  • The performance counters in Table 3 are obtained using the perf tool. Obtaining these counters requires root access to the machine as well as modifying the code to exclude the loading of the dataset in the performance measurements. Not all performance counters are supported by all machines. We have not included this in the artifact evaluation due to the significant effort that would be required by the user to get the performance counters to work properly.

The remaining sections contain instructions to run any individual experiments that the user may want to run.

Running code in Hygra

The hypergraph applications are located in the apps/hyper/ directory. The applications take the input hypergraph as input as well as an optional flag "-s" to indicate a symmetric hypergraph. Symmetric hypergraphs should be called with the "-s" flag for better performance. For example:

$ ./HyperBFS -s ../inputs/test
$ ./HyperSSSP -s ../inputs/test-wgh

On multi-socket machines, adding the command "numactl -i all " when running the program may improve performance for large inputs. For example:

$ numactl -i all ./HyperBFS -s <input file>

For traversal algorithms, one can also pass the "-r" flag followed by an integer to indicate the source vertex. By default, the programs are run for three trials, but one can change the number of trials by passing the "-rounds" flag followed by an integer indicating the number of trials.

Input Format for Hygra applications

The input can be in either adjacency hypergraph format or binary format.

  1. The adjacency hypergraph format starts with a sequence of offsets one for each vertex, followed by a sequence of incident hyperedges (the vertex is an incoming member of the hyperedge) ordered by vertex, followed by a sequence of offsets one for each hyperedge, and finally a sequence of incident vertices (the vertex is an outgoing member of the hyperedge) ordered by hyperedge. All vertices, hyperedges, and offsets are 0 based and represented in decimal. For a graph with nv vertices, mv incident hyperedges for the vertices, nh hyperedges, and mh incident vertices for the hyperedges, the specific format is as follows:


This file is represented as plain text.

  1. In binary format. This requires five files NAME.config, NAME.vadj, NAME.vidx, NAME.hadj, NAME.hidx, where NAME is chosen by the user. The .config file stores nv, mv, nh, and mh in text format. The .vidx and .hidx files store in binary the offsets for the vertices and hyperedges (the <ov>'s and <oh>'s above). The .vadj and .hadj files stores in binary the neighbors (the <ev>'s and <eh>'s above).

Weighted hypergraphs: For format (1), the weights are listed as another sequence following the sequence of neighbors for vertices or hyperedges file (i.e., after <ev(mv-1)> and <eh(mh-1)>), and the first line of the file should store the string "WeightedAdjacencyHypergraph". For format (2), the weights are stored after all of the edge targets in the .vadj and .hadj files.


Several utilities are provided in the utils/ directory and can be compiled using "make".

Random Hypergraph Generator

The random hypergraph generator randHypergraph takes as input the number of vertices ('-nv'), number of hyperdges ('-nh') and cardinality of each hyperedge ('-c'). It generates a symmetric hypergraph where each hyperedge has the specified cardinality and where member vertices uniformly at random.


$ ./randHypergraph -nv 100000000 -nh 100000000 -c 10 randHypergraph_output 

Hypergraph Converters

communityToHyperAdj converts a communities network in SNAP format and converts it to symmetric adjacency hypergraph format. The first required parameter is the input (SNAP) file name and second required parameter is the output (Hygra) file name.

KONECTtoHyperAdj converts a bipartite graph in KONECT format (the out.* file) and converts it to symmetric adjacency hypergraph format. The first required parameter is the input (KONECT) file name and second required parameter is the output (Hygra) file name.

adjHypergraphAddWeights adds random integer weights in the range [1,...,log2(max(number of vertices, number of hyperedges))] to an unweighted hypergraph in adjacency hypergraph format, and takes as input the input file name followed by the output file name.

hyperAdjToBinary converts an input in adjacency hypergraph format to binary format. The argument is the adjacency hypergraph file name. For a weighted hypergraph, pass the "-w" flag before the file name. The program will generate 5 output files with the input file name followed by each of the prefixes .config, .vadj, .vidx, .hadj, and .hidx.


$ ./communityToHyperAdj SNAPfile HygraFile
$ ./KONECTtoHyperAdj KONECTfile Hygrafile
$ ./adjHypergraphAddWeights unweightedHygraFile weightedHygraFile
$ ./hyperAdjToBinary test
$ ./hyperAdjToBinary -w test-wgh