
jPList jQuery Data Grid Controls is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc).

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

jPList is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc). Get started at jplist.com

Reporting issues

Please read jPList guidelines that includes directions for opening issues and making feature requests.

  • Works with any content (tables, lists, div elements etc...)
  • Works with JavaScript templates like Handlebars, Mustache etc.
  • Supports XML + XSLT
  • Grid/list view demo page
  • Supports local storage and cookies
  • Has deep links support
  • Fully customizable styles
  • Works in all major browsers
  • Annotated source code
  • Solid documentation


  • Ascending and descending sorting
  • Sort numbers, text, date and time
  • SELECT and UL/LI sort controls
  • Sort by 'Most Reviewed' and by 'Top Rated' items


  • Auto pagination control
  • Google style pagination
  • Items per page control

###Filter and Search

  • Any number of textbox filters
  • Any number of dropdown filters
  • Filter by jQuery path or by text content
  • Checkbox and radio button filters
  • Button filter controls
  • Range filter controls

###Other Controls

  • Reset button Control
  • Back button Control
  • Counter Controls
  • jQuery UI range slider filter
  • jQuery UI date picker range filter

Data Sources

Layout Examples

Data Sources

Controls Examples

###Toggle Filters

###jPList with jQuery UI

DateTime Examples

###Other Examples

Create minified JS files:

To create jplist.core.min.js from sources:

npm run jscore

Enable verbose mode:

npm run jscore -- --verb

To create jplist.core-ajax.min.js from sources:

npm run ajaxcore

Enable verbose mode:

npm run ajaxcore -- --verb

To create any minified bundle or control:

node ./build/closure/rebuild-js.js path-to-control-config-file

For example:

node ./build/closure/rebuild-js.js src/addons/textbox-filter/js/config.json

Enable verbose mode:

node ./build/closure/rebuild-js.js src/addons/textbox-filter/js/config.json --verb

To rebuild jplist.core.min.js and all controls:

node ./build/closure/rebuild-js-all.js


To run jshint on jPList sources:

npm run lint

Create minified CSS files:

To create jplist.core.min.css from sources:

npm run csscore

To create jplist.demo-pages.min.css from sources:

npm run cssdemo

To create minified css for any control or bundle:

lessc -x src/addons/control-folder-name/css/styles.less > dist/css/jplist.control-folder-name.min.css

For example:

lessc -x src/addons/filter-toggle-bundle/css/styles.less > dist/css/jplist.filter-toggle-bundle.min.css

List of source files:

To get a list of source files (to be included in HTML or for other purpose):

//list of sources as HTML scripts
npm run corefiles

//simple source list
node ./build/closure/get-js-files-list.js src/core/js/config.json --type=files

//list of github raw urls
node ./build/closure/get-js-files-list.js src/core/js/config.json --type=github

//for any control; type can be: script, files or github
node ./build/closure/get-js-files-list.js src/addons/control-folder-name/js/config.json --type=files

//for example
node ./build/closure/get-js-files-list.js src/addons/filter-dropdown-bundle/js/config.json --type=script

Integration Tests:

jPList uses selenium to run integration tests. Also the root folder should be configured as jplist-php.local website. PHP / MySQL should be configured to test the relevant pages.

npm install

Run selenium server:

npm run selenium

Run the tests:

npm test

Unit Tests:

jPList uses qunit for the unit testing. It could be run in the browser using /test/qunit-tests/index.html.

  • Internet Explorer 8+
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera

##jQuery Compatibility

  • Works with jQuery from version 1.8
  • Works with jQuery 2.x versions

##Donations If you find jPList useful, please consider making a donation to support project development. Thank you for your help!
