
A test suite to verify that the fun tech gcc is woking.

Primary LanguageC

First build the gcc that you would like to test 
see http://fun-tech.se/stm32/ for more info on this topic.

Then run this script:
source ~/stm32/bin/stm32_setup.sh
chmod 755 run_test.bsh

Or do it by hand:
source ~/stm32/bin/stm32_setup.sh
make TEST=test03 flash 
ddd --eval-command="target remote localhost:3333" --debugger arm-none-eabi-gdb  main.elf

To test some things on a pc you can try:
make TARGET=pc TEST=test01

And then run with 
gdb main.elf --eval-command="break test_success" --eval-command="break test_failed" 
ddd main.elf --eval-command="break test_success" --eval-command="break test_failed" 

Ignore the rest of this file...

xterm -e "telnet localhost 4444" &

arm-none-eabi-insight --eval-command="target remote localhost:3333" main.elf
arm-none-eabi-gdbtui  --eval-command="target remote localhost:3333" main.elf
arm-none-eabi-gdb     --eval-command="target remote localhost:3333" main.elf

ddd --eval-command="target remote localhost:3333" --debugger arm-none-eabi-gdb  main.elf

Fixa adress: 
arm-none-eabi-readelf -s main.elf | grep test_success | awk '{print $2}'
arm-none-eabi-readelf -s main.elf | grep test_failed  | awk '{print $2}'

bp 0x15 1 hw
bp 0x19 1 hw

break test_success
break test_failed

arm-none-eabi-gdb --batch --command=res/commands.gdb main.elf