Lua bindings for YottaDB, sponsored by the Library of UAntwerpen.
Build the bindings by running make ydb_dist=/path/to/YDB/install
where /path/to/YDB/install
is the path to your installation of YottaDB that contains its header and shared library files.
Install the bindings by running make install
or sudo make install
, or copy the newly built and yottadb.lua files to somewhere in your Lua path. You can then use local yottadb = require('yottadb')
from your Lua scripts to communicate with YottaDB. Then set up
your YDB environment as usual (i.e. source /path/to/YDB/install/ydb_env_set) before running
your Lua scripts.
Please see the documentation in docs/ as well as the test_module_*
tests in tests/test.lua
for examples of how to use these Lua bindings. These bindings were developed with reference to
YottaDB's Python bindings.
Note: these bindings are single-threaded and do not utilize YottaDB's multithreaded capabilities.
- Lua 5.2 or greater. These bindings were built and tested with Lua 5.3. The Makefile assumes
you have your Lua headers installed at /usr/include/lua5.3. If your Lua headers are elsewhere,
you can either modify Makefile or pass
. - YottaDB 1.32 or later.
local yottadb = require('yottadb')
-- Create key objects for conveniently accessing and manipulating database nodes.
local key1 = yottadb.key('^hello')
print(, key1.value) -- display current value of '^hello'
key1.value = 'Hello World' -- set '^hello' to 'Hello World!'
print(, key1.value)
-- Add a 'cowboy' subscript to the global variable '^hello', creating a new key.
local key2 = yottadb.key('^hello')('cowboy')
key2.value = 'Howdy partner!' -- set '^hello('cowboy') to 'Howdy partner!'
print(, key2.value)
-- Add a second subscript to '^hello', creating a third key.
local key3 = yottadb.key('^hello')('chinese')
key3.value = '你好世界!' -- the value can be set to anything, including UTF-8
print(, key3.value)
for subscript in key1:subscripts() do -- loop through all subscripts of a key
local sub_key = key1(subscript)
print(, sub_key.value)
key1:delete_node() -- delete the value of '^hello', but not any of its child nodes
print(, key1.value) -- no value is printed
for subscript in key1:subscripts() do -- the values of the child node are still in the database
local sub_key = key1(subscript)
print(, sub_key.value)
key1.value = 'Hello World' -- reset the value of '^hello'
print(, key1.value) -- prints the value
key1:delete_tree() -- delete both the value at the '^hello' node and all of its children
print(, key1.value) -- prints no value
for subscript in key1:subscripts() do -- loop terminates immediately and displays no subscripts
local sub_key = key1(subscript)
print(sub_key, sub_key.value)
-- Database transactions are also available.
local simple_transaction = yottadb.transaction(function(value)
-- Set values directly with the set() function.
yottadb.set('test1', value) -- set the local variable 'test1' to the given value
yottadb.set('test2', value) -- set the local variable 'test2' to the given value
local condition_a = false
local condition_b = false
if condition_a then
-- When a yottadb.YDBTPRollback exception is raised YottaDB will rollback the transaction
-- and then propagate the exception to the calling code.
return yottadb.YDB_TP_ROLLBACK
elseif condition_b then
-- When a yottadb.YDBTPRestart exception is raised YottaDB will call the transaction again.
-- Warning: This code is intentionally simplistic. An infinite loop will occur if
-- yottadb.YDBTPRestart is continually raised
return yottadb.YDB_TP_RESTART
return yottadb.YDB_OK -- success, transaction will be committed
simple_transaction('test', db)
print(db('test1'), db('test1').value)
print(db('test2'), db('test2').value)
The following notes build and install a local copy of YottaDB to YDB/install in the current working directory. The only admin privileges required are to change ownership of gtmsecshr to root, which YottaDB requires to run. (Normally, YottaDB's install script requires admin privileges.)
# Install dependencies.
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends {libconfig,libelf,libgcrypt,libgpgme,libgpg-error,libssl}-dev
# Fetch YottaDB.
mkdir $ydb_tmpdir
wget -P $ydb_tmpdir ${ydb_distrib} 2>&1 1>${ydb_tmpdir}/wget_latest.log
ydb_version=`sed 's/,/\n/g' ${ydb_tmpdir}/tags | grep -E "tag_name|.pro.tgz" | grep -B 1 ".pro.tgz" | grep "tag_name" | sort -r | head -1 | cut -d'"' -f6`
git clone --depth 1 --branch $ydb_version
# Build YottaDB.
cd YDB
mkdir build
cd build/
make -j4
make install
cd yottadb_r132
nano configure # replace 'root' with 'mitchell'
nano ydbinstall # replace 'root' with 'mitchell'
# Install YottaDB locally.
./ydbinstall --installdir /home/mitchell/code/lua/lua-yottadb/YDB/install --utf8 default --verbose --group mitchell --user mitchell --overwrite-existing
# may need to fix yottadb.pc
cd ../..
chmod ug+w install/ydb_env_set # change '. $ydb_tmp_env/out' to 'source $ydb_tmp_env/out'
sudo chown root.root install/gtmsecshr
sudo chmod a+s install/gtmsecshr
# Setup env.
source YDB/install/ydb_env_set
# Run tests with gdb.
ydb_gbldir=/tmp/lydb.gld gdb lua5.3
b set
r -llydb tests/test.lua