
A CLI for Strava

Primary LanguageGo


A Command-line client for Strava.

Disclaimer: Extremely experimental, incomplete and unstable at this time


Sutro is a Go application and requires a Go development toolchain to be installed.

Sutro requires users to provision an application on the Strava website. Please see this page for details. Once you have an application, you will need its id and secret to authenticate.

Finally, Sutro uses Go Swagger to generate the client code installed


$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ go generate ./...
$ go build -o sutro main.go
$ ./sutro -h
  sutro [command]

Available Commands:
  authenticate Authentication support
  help         Help about any command

  -h, --help   help for sutro

Use "sutro [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Before you can execute any API calls in Sutro, you first need to provision an authentication token. You will need your application id and secret:

$ ./sutro authenticate \
  --client_id <client_id> \
  --client_secret <client_secret> \
  --authorization_url https://www.strava.com/oauth/authorize \
  --token_url https://www.strava.com/oauth/token \
  --scopes activity:read_all,activity:write,read_all,profile:read_all

The credentials, which include the application secret, will be stored in ~/.sutro. They will auto-refresh as needed, so you shouldn't need to run the authentication flow more than once. Once you've authenticated, you have access to the full API:

$ ./sutro
  sutro [command]

Available Commands:
  activities      Client for activities
  athletes        Client for athletes
  authenticate    Authentication support
  clubs           Client for clubs
  gears           Client for gears
  help            Help about any command
  routes          Client for routes
  running_races   Client for running_races
  segment_efforts Client for segment_efforts
  segments        Client for segments
  streams         Client for streams
  uploads         Client for uploads

  -h, --help   help for sutro

Use "sutro [command] --help" for more information about a command.