
AnyEvent module for interacting with the Mattermost WebSockets and Web Services APIs in Perl

Primary LanguagePerl


AnyEvent::Mattermost - AnyEvent module for interacting with the Mattermost APIs


use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Mattermost;

my $host = "https://mattermost.example.com/";
my $team = "awesome-chat";
my $user = "janedoe@example.com";
my $pass = "foobar123";

my $cond = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $mconn = AnyEvent::Mattermost->new($host, $team, $user, $pass);

$mconn->on('posted' => sub {
    my ($self, $message) = @_;
    printf "<%s> %s\n", $message->{data}{sender_name}, $message->{data}{post}";



This module provides an AnyEvent based interface to Mattermost chat servers using the Web Service API.

It is very heavily inspired by AnyEvent::SlackRTM and I owe a debt of gratitude to Andrew Hanenkamp for his work on that module.

This library is still very basic and currently attempts to implement little beyond authentication and simple message receiving and sending. Feature parity with SlackRTM support is a definite goal, and then beyond that it would be nice to support all the stable Mattermost API features. Baby steps.



$mconn = AnyEvent::Mattermost->new( $host, $team, $email, $password );

Creates a new AnyEvent::Mattermost object. No connections are opened and no callbacks are registered yet.

The $host parameter must be the HTTP/HTTPS URL of your Mattermost server. If you omit the scheme and provide only a hostname, HTTPS will be assumed. Note that Mattermost servers configured over HTTP will also use unencrypted ws:// for the persistent WebSockets connection for receiving incoming messages. You should use HTTPS unless there is no other choice.

$team must be the Mattermost team's short name (the version which appears in the URLs when connected through the web client).

$email must be the email address of the account to be used for logging into the Mattermost server. The short username is not supported for logins via the Mattermost APIs, only the email address.

$password is hopefully self-explanatory.



Opens the connection to the Mattermost server, authenticates the previously provided account credentials and performs an initial data request for user, team, and channel information.

Any errors encountered will croak() and the connection will be aborted.



Closes connection with Mattermost server and ceases processing messages. Callbacks which have been registered are left in place in case you wish to start() the connection again.

If you wish to remove callbacks, without disposing of the AnyEvent::Mattermost object itself, you will need to call on() and pass undef for each events' callback value (rather than the anonymous subroutines you had provided when registering them).


$mconn->on( $event1 => sub {}, [ $event2 => sub {}, ... ] );

Registers a callback for the named event type. Multiple events may be registered in a single call to on(), but only one callback may exist for any given event type. Any subsequent callbacks registered to an existing event handler will overwrite the previous callback.

Every callback will receive two arguments: the AnyEvent::Mattermost object and the raw message data received over the Mattermost WebSockets connection. This message payload will take different forms depending on the type of event which occurred, but the top-level data structure is always a hash reference with at least the key event (with a value matching that which you used to register the callback). Most event types include a data key, whose value is a hash reference containing the payload of the event. For channel messages this will include things like the sender's name, the channel name and type, and of course the message itself.

For more explanation of event types, hope that the Mattermost project documents them at some point. For now, Data::Dumper based callbacks are your best bet.


$mconn->send( \%message );

Posts a message to the Mattermost server. This method is currently fairly limited and supports only providing a channel name and a message body. There are formatting, attachment, and other features that are planned to be supported in future releases.

The \%message hash reference should contain at bare minimum two keys:

  • channel

    The name of the channel to which the message should be posted. This may be either the short name (which appears in URLs in the web UI) or the display name (which may contain spaces). In the case of conflicts, the display name takes precedence, on the theory that it is the most enduser-visible name of channels and thus the least surprising.

  • message

    The body of the message to be posted. This may include any markup options that are supported by Mattermost, which includes a subset of the Markdown language among other things.

To announce your presence to the default Mattermost channel (Town Square, using its short name), you might call the method like this:

$mconn->send({ channel => "town-square", message => "Hey everybody!" });


The following methods are not intended to be used by code outside this module, and their signatures (even their very existence) are not guaranteed to remain stable between versions. However, if you're the adventurous type ...



Pings the Mattermost server over the WebSocket connection to maintain online status and ensure the connection remains alive. You should not have to call this method yourself, as start() sets up a ping callback on a timer for you.



Returns a boolean status indicating whether the Mattermost WebSockets API connection has started yet.


  • Only basic message sending and receiving is currently supported.


If you would like to contribute to this module, report bugs, or request new features, please visit the module's official GitHub project:



Jon Sime jonsime@gmail.com


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Jon Sime.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.