
Basic bittorrent client written in c - class project

Primary LanguageC

Greg Taschuk & Jordan Singleton
gtaschu1 & jsingle1

Lab 5 - Bittorrent


In this lab we implement a bittorrent client(/server) which
accepts a number of peers as command line arguments or as
incoming connections via the bittorrent handshake protocol.

This is N-Peers with Restarts


We believe the functions are written as you expect that we
wrote them.  A few notes:

- We implemented symmetrically from the start - 
  We poll all file descripters (including the incoming fd) using
  fd sets.  This implementation is very closesly related to the
  one Beejus gave in his guide to network programming

- Logging is done via a log_record function which is a wrapper
  around vprintf and accepts formatted strings

- Supports starting with partial files

You can make the bt_client executable via the make command in the root directory

Running ./bt_client without aguments will show usage information


Included Files and Purpose

bt_client.c   :   Main file where the control loop lives
bt_setup.c    :   Contains setup code, such as parsing arguments
bencode.c     :   Code for parsing bencoded torrent files
bt_lib.c      :   Code for core functionality of bt

bt_setup.h    :   Header file for setup
bencode.h     :   Header file for bencode
bt_lib.h      :   Header file for bt_lib

Suggested Additional Files [and headers]

bt_io.c[.h]   :   File for handing input output
bt_sock.c[.h] :   File for handling socket and network issues