is a utility that triggers alerts when a zpool becomes degraded
Available flags:
zfsmon --help
zfs monitoring util
zfsmon [flags]
--alert-type string alert system to use
--daemon enable daemon mode
-h, --help help for zfsmon
--log-level string logging level [error, warning, info, trace] (default "error")
--no-alert do not send alerts
--slack-channel string slack channel
--slack-url string hook url
--state-file string path for the state file (default "/tmp/zfsmon")
Available alert types:
- Terminal: Prints alerts to your terminal. Requires
- Slack: Sends alerts to a slack channel. Requires
Run every five minutes. $HOOK
is retrieved from /root/.zfsmon
. /root/.zfsmon
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/zfsmon --slack-channel=joe_testing --state-file /root/alert --slack-url=$HOOK --alert-type slack
Info logging can be used to get full output
root@zfs:/home/teamit# ./zfsmon --slack-channel=joe_testing --state-file alert --slack-url=$HOOK --alert-type slack --log-level=info
ERROR: 2020/03/19 22:17:13 logger.go:51: open alert: no such file or directory
INFO: 2020/03/19 22:17:13 logger.go:41: device '/home/teamit/mirror-1-0' in pool 'fake-mirror' is healthy. Status: ONLINE
INFO: 2020/03/19 22:17:13 logger.go:41: device '/home/teamit/mirror-1-1' in pool 'fake-mirror' is healthy. Status: ONLINE
WARNING: 2020/03/19 22:17:13 logger.go:46: device '/home/teamit/mirror-0-0' in pool 'fake' is not healthy. Status: CANT_OPEN
INFO: 2020/03/19 22:17:13 logger.go:41: host: zfs | zpool fake is not in a healthy state, got status: CANT_OPEN
INFO: 2020/03/19 22:17:13 logger.go:41: device '/home/teamit/mirror-0-1' in pool 'fake' is healthy. Status: ONLINE
Very verbose output can be enabled with log-level=trace
> zfsmon --alert-type terminal --log-level trace
TRACE: 2020/03/19 22:09:52 logger.go:36: zfsmon config: {"hostname":"zfs","daemon_mode":false,"state":{"file":"alert"},"pools":[{"name":"fake-mirror","state":7,"devices":[{"name":"mirror","type":"mirror","state":7,"Devices":[{"name":"/home/teamit/mirror-1-0","type":"file","state":7},{"name":"/home/teamit/mirror-1-1","type":"file","state":7}]}]}],"alert_config":{"no_alert":false},"alert_state":{"/home/teamit/mirror-0-0":"CANT_OPEN"}}
TRACE: 2020/03/19 22:09:52 logger.go:36: checking pools
TRACE: 2020/03/19 22:09:52 logger.go:36: checking pool 'fake-mirror'
TRACE: 2020/03/19 22:09:52 logger.go:36: device 'mirror' has type 'mirror'
TRACE: 2020/03/19 22:09:52 logger.go:36: checking device '/home/teamit/mirror-1-0' in pool 'fake-mirror'
INFO: 2020/03/19 22:09:52 logger.go:41: device '/home/teamit/mirror-1-0' in pool 'fake-mirror' is healthy. Status: ONLINE
TRACE: 2020/03/19 22:09:52 logger.go:36: checking device '/home/teamit/mirror-1-1' in pool 'fake-mirror'
INFO: 2020/03/19 22:09:52 logger.go:41: device '/home/teamit/mirror-1-1' in pool 'fake-mirror' is healthy. Status: ONLINE
Download the latest release and place it in your path.
It is recommended to run zfsmon
with root
or sudo
. Recent release of OpenZFS
does not require root privileges, however, this code as only been tested with root.
I hope to change this going forward. If you have success using a non root user, please
file an issue with your results.
The Makefile will use Docker to build the binary, this is to allow developing
zfsmon on platforms that do not support OpenZFS. The build binary can be found
in artifacts/
build manually zfsmon is developed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. You should install:
Retrieve the go dependencies:
go get github.com/spf13/cobra
go get github.com/jsirianni/go-libzfs
build the binary
go build -o zfsmon