Useful info for current & future members of the JS community in Iceland

JavaScript Iceland User Group

This repo will have a bunch of useful info for newcomers, and whoever really, that would like to learn (more) JS. Feel free to add more sections/info if you feel it's appropriate.


Here are some project ideas that would benefit the community as a whole, but haven't been picked up by anyone yet.

  • GitHub repo that maintaines a google calendar of community driven events, so people can simply subscribe to the calendar and never miss an event again! (@koddsson)

Feel free to mark ideas as 'taken' if you're jumping on them, or adding more ideas. Just edit this file and create a PR.


When trying out new things, having a good mentor can be priceless. The following people have expressed willingness to use what they can of their personal free time to act as such for whoever might want their help. Feel free to reach out to these people if you're in need for some guidence.

If you'd like to be on this list, add it and create a PR. Let's try to keep it maintainable and comprehensable by ordering them alphabetically and simply referencing the github user profile.