
A directory of venues and their history with us


A attempt to collect all our venue info in one place to ease the pain of booking a venue for meetups


Venue Cost for the venue Cost for a keg of beer Time checked
Kex hostel 40.000 ISK 48.000 ISK September 2016
Bio Paradís 75.000 ISK + vsk. Unknown September 2016

Places that we should check out in the future

  • Advania
  • Íslandsbanki
  • Arion banki
  • Landsbankinn
  • Háskólinn í Reykjavík
  • Háskóla Bíó


  • In order for us to be able to rent venues it has to be wheelchair accessible.
    • Is there a certification that we can check for to make it easier to filter through venues?