
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Jérôme Skoda Portfolio

Based on portfolio template by Maxim Orlov.

alt text

Demo: https://jeromeskoda.fr


Folder and file structure

├── .editorconfig
├── bower.json
├── README.md
├── automation.sh
├── gulp_tasks/                                * gulp tasks
|   ├── config/                                * gulp tasks config
│   |   ├── paths.js
│   |   ├── settings.js
│   |   └── aliases.js
│   |
|   └── task.js
├── gulpfile.js
├── package.json
├── screenshots/                               * responsive test screenshots
├── dev/                                       * site source
│   ├── images/                                * image sources
|   │
│   ├── pug/                                   * templates
|   |   ├── blocks/                            * blocks library
|   │   |   └── block.pug
|   │   ├── helpers/                           * helper mixins
|   │   ├── vendor/                            * third-party code
|   │   ├── layouts/                           * page layouts
|   │   └── pages/                             * main pages templates
|   │
│   ├── js/                                    * compiled and source js
|   |   ├── vendor/                            * vendor scripts library
|   |   ├── lib/                               * site scripts library
|   │   ├── head.js                            * head scripts
|   │   └── body.js                            * vendor scripts
|   │
|   ├── sass/                                  * sass preprocessor styles
|   |   ├── blocks/                            * blocks library
|   │   |   └── block.sass
|   │   ├── helpers/                           * mixins and vars
|   │   ├── vendor/                            * third-party code
|   │   ├── custom.sass
|   │   ├── noscript.sass
|   │   └── screen.sass
|   │
│   ├── helpers/                               * helper files
|   |   ├── favicon.ico
|   |   └── .htaccess
|   │
│   ├── fonts/                                 * font sources
|   │
│   └── data/                                  * configs and data for templates
└── build/                                     * built source
	├── index.html
	├── page.html
	└── static/                                * static assets
		├── css/                               * minified styles
		├── images/                            * minified images
		├── js/                                * minified assembled js
		└── fonts/                             * @font-face-ready webfonts



This project have .editorconfig file at the root that used by your code editor with editorconfig plugin. It describes codestyle like indent style, trailing whitespaces etc. See more details here

Site configuration

This boilerplate use Pug templates with external data configs. Main settings can be found in dev/data/config.json file. And they're available for usage in templates with config.key-name


Here comes groups of gulp tasks with some explanations


Install bower dependencies and place them to dev folders. Gulp: gulp start

  • Install bower components
  • Copy bower components to dev folder
  • Remove gitkeep files


Dev task with static server. Gulp: gulp dev

  • Concatenate javascripts
  • Compile Sass stylesheets
  • Add vendor prefixes in css
  • Combine media queries in css files
  • Compile Pug templates
  • Sync helpers and other assets
  • Sync images
  • Run BrowserSync static server with live reload using
  • Watch for changes and run dev task


Build task. Gulp: gulp build

  • Minify images
  • Minify javascript files
  • Minify stylesheets
  • Minify html
  • Run BrowserSync static server


Regenerate and build project by running all tasks. Gulp: gulp rebuild

  • Concatenate javascripts
  • Compile Sass stylesheets
  • Add vendor prefixes in css
  • Combine media queries in css files
  • Compile Pug templates
  • Sync helpers and other assets
  • Sync images
  • Minify images
  • Minify javascript files
  • Minify stylesheets
  • Minify html


Run server without watching for changes. Gulp: gulp server

  • Run BrowserSync static server

Live reload

This project uses BrowserSync as static server with enabled and configured live reload option.
