
Functional tests helper for Rendr-powered sites in BusterJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Functional tests helper for Rendr-powered sites in BusterJS. Adds helper functions to simulate basic user interactions.

Requires: BusterJS as peer dependency.


npm install buster-rendr-functional-tests --save-dev

Add following snippet to your project's package.json to allow buster-server support proxying without session prefixes.

  "postinstall": "test ! -d ./node_modules/buster-rendr-functional-tests || ./node_modules/buster-rendr-functional-tests/bin/install_wrapper"

You might need to run npm run-script postinstall for the first time.



Just include buster-rendr-functional-tests as extension, list proxied paths as resources, see Proxy resources.

'Functional tests':
  environment: 'browser',
    // provide proxy paths, "/" is occupied by buster itself
    // so provide some alternative, like "/index"
    {path: '/index', backend: 'http://localhost:3030/'},
    {path: '/js', backend: 'http://localhost:3030/js'},
    {path: '/css', backend: 'http://localhost:3030/css'},
    {path: '/api', backend: 'http://localhost:3030/api'},
    timeout: 120 // seconds

.load(uri, [callback])

Loads requested page into iframe and waits for the App object to be resolved.

Note: When page is loaded, references to it's window, document, $ and App are attached to the test's context.

setUp: function(done)
  // load new app's homepage for each test
  this.load('/index').wait('postPageRender', done);


Cleans up iframe and proxy-cookie, leaving stage clean for the next test.

tearDown: function(done)

.touch(selector|element, [callback])

Simulates browser events related to touch, in the right order and with proper pauses.

'Change search type to for-rent': function(done)
  // initially loads as For Sale search type
  assert.className(this.$('#searchTypeTabs>[data-tab=for_sale]')[0], 'backgroundLowlight');

  // change tab
  this.touch('#searchTypeTabs>[data-tab=for_rent]', function()
    // for rent tab should be highlighted
    assert.className(this.$('#searchTypeTabs>[data-tab=for_rent]')[0], 'backgroundLowlight');
    // and for sale tab should not
    refute.className(this.$('#searchTypeTabs>[data-tab=for_sale]')[0], 'backgroundLowlight');


.type(selector|target, text, [callback])

Simulates user's typing, with all related events and proper timing.

'Get autocomplete suggestions': function(done)
  this.type('[data-action=searchForm]', 'Palo Al', function()
    // Check first line of autosuggest
    // should contain "Palo Alto, CA"
    assert.contains(this.$('[data-role=autosuggest_list]>li:first-child').text(), 'Palo Alto, CA');


.scroll(selector|target, callback)

Scrolls the window to the middle of the provided element.

'Header should be hidden when user scrolls past the first item': function(done) {
  var $header = this.$('[data-role=header]');
  var $item = this.$('[data-itemindex=2]')
  this.scroll(item, function() {


Makes sure focus event is triggered on the provided element.

Note: .type uses it internally. It's a synchronous function.

'Test': function(done)


Makes sure blur event is triggered on the provided element.

Note: It's a synchronous function.

'Test': function(done)

.wait([event], callback, [delay])

Waits for the App level events, if no window.App is available, puts callbacks into queue and continues to check for the App object every once in a while.

'Go to the property page': function(done)
  // no property page yet
  refute.contains(this.$('[data-action=pdpDesc]').text(), 'Home Details');

  // tap on the property
  this.touch('[data-action=property] .propertyPhoto');

  // wait for the new page to activate
  this.wait('currentViewActive', function()
    // property page is here
    assert.contains(this.$('[data-action=pdpDesc]').text(), 'Home Details');


.waitForCss(selector|element, [callback])

Waits for CSS Transition to finish, triggers provided callback after that.

'Open side menu': function(done)
  // define target element
  var target = this.$('body>[data-view*=side_nav]');

  // when menu closed it has position absolute
  assert.equals(target.css('position'), 'absolute');

  // Toggle menu

  // there is animation delay for sliding in, wait till animation is done
  this.waitForCss(target, function()
    // when open, side menu has position fixed
    assert.equals(target.css('position'), 'fixed');


.waitForText(selector|element, text, [callback])

Waits for element to show up on the page and contain provided text. Better to use with selectors rather than elements, to allow it to catch newly created elements.

Another autocomplete example, this time much closer to the real life.

'Get autocomplete suggestions': function(done)
  this.type('[data-action=searchForm]', 'Palo Al', function()
    // need to wait for all the autocomplete requests to be resolved
    this.waitForText('[data-role=autosuggest_list]>li:first-child b', 'Palo Al', function()
      // Check first line of autosuggest
      // should contain "Palo Alto, CA"
      assert.contains(this.$('[data-role=autosuggest_list]>li:first-child').text(), 'Palo Alto, CA');



Provides means to enhance testable environment by enhancing in-iframe window object.

Note: Enhance handler function will called bound to the test object.

setUp: function(done)
  // load new app's homepage for each test
  this.load('/index').wait('postPageRender', done);

    // channel App's console.log output into test reporting
    iframeWindow.console.log = console.log.bind(console);


At the moment PhantomJS uses older version of webkit that doesn't support Function.prototype.bind. As workaround you can add es5-shim to the list of libraries:

'Functional tests':
  environment: 'browser',
    // PhantomJS - https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/10522

And add bind to the test page loaded in iframe:

setUp: function(done)
  // load new app's homepage for each test
  this.load('/index').wait('postPageRender', done);

    iframeWindow.Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind;


  • Add support for desktop events.
  • Integrate resource proxy changes into buster-server.
  • Improve documentation.
