
A kata designed to introduce developers to the Elm programming language language

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT

Elm Workshop

Hello! Today let's play with Elm. http://elm-lang.org/


  • View introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgsckgtVdoQ
  • Install elm: npm install -g elm
  • Start dev server: elm-reactor
  • Copy code in #Code section of this file into project: pbpaste > Main.elm
  • Start improving!

Tip: think data first, change the Model first.



Start with our humble create account form. It asks for your username, a password and asks you to confirm your password.

Screengif of the starting form

Milestone #1

(Suggestion to accomplish as a group, lead by teacher)

Business indicates that moving to email (which we'll need to confirm) is the way to go. If you can also add a header, that'd be great. Also, take some time to leave it better than you found it!

  • Change name to email
  • Add confirmation email box
  • Add a header to explain the form
  • The let statement in the viewValidation is hiding important business logic! Let's extract it!

Screengif of the starting form

Milestone #2

Suggested with one ore more pairing partner(s)

  • Wait for input into confirmation boxes before saying they don't match
  • Only accept virta health email addresses (something@virtahealth.com)
  • Make sure status is reflective of specific error
  • Adding spacing and visual structure to form
  • Wait till a user enters the confirmation box to test validity
  • Work those HTML/CSS muscles, make the form beautiful 💃

Milestone 3

Have it your way, baby!

Starting Code

(From: https://guide.elm-lang.org/architecture/user_input/forms.html)

Copy this code into a text file named Main.elm and run elm-reactor

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)

main =
  Html.beginnerProgram { model = initialModel, view = view, update = update }


type alias Model =
  { name : String
  , password : String
  , passwordAgain : String

initialModel : Model
initialModel =
  Model "" "" ""


type Msg
    = Name String
    | Password String
    | PasswordAgain String

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
  case msg of
    Name name ->
      { model | name = name }

    Password password ->
      { model | password = password }

    PasswordAgain password ->
      { model | passwordAgain = password }


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div []
    [ input [ type_ "text", placeholder "Name", onInput Name ] []
    , input [ type_ "password", placeholder "Password", onInput Password ] []
    , input [ type_ "password", placeholder "Re-enter Password", onInput PasswordAgain ] []
    , viewValidation model

viewValidation : Model -> Html msg
viewValidation model =
    (color, message) =
      if model.password == model.passwordAgain then
        ("green", "OK")
        ("red", "Passwords do not match!")
    div [ style [("color", color)] ] [ text message ]



If all else fails, use ellie (https://ellie-app.com/new). but the dev ergonomics are not nearly as good.