
a starter template for flutter/firebase/riverpod/hooks/theming/icons/launchscreen

Primary LanguageDart


a starter template for flutter/firebase/riverpod/hooks/gorouter/flavors/theming/icons/launchscreen

Basic Setup

  1. cd app && flutter pub get

  2. flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main <com.new.package.name>

  3. Find and Replace all instances of ChangeMyAppName with your desired app name.

Generate Icons and Launch Screens

  1. Change the Icons in the assets directory based off of the examples i have. keep the filenames the same and they have their corresponding flavor.
    │   icon.png
    │   icon-dev.png
    │   icon-local.png
    │   foreground.png
  1. In the app directory create an .env file with your flavor colors
  1. in root dir
chmod +x icons_and_launch_screen.sh

Firebase Setup

  1. in app dir (install flutterfire if you haven't) use --account <email>if you need to specify firebase account
flutterfire config
  1. Go to firebase console of project that you created (or existed)
- Setup auth (enable anonymous sign in)
- cloud firestore
- storage
- anything you need.. etc
  1. in firebase dir choose same project in previous step
firebase init


For theming this uses the dynamic_color package but when the device isn't supported it uses some themes found in app/lib/theming/themes.dart

The defaultLightColorScheme and defaultDarkColorScheme can be generated using the Material 3 Theme Builder

Then all you have to do is export to flutter and replace the code in app/lib/theming/themes.dart.