
This project serves as a structured project boilerplate for Flask driven projects.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Flask Boilerplate

This project serves as a structured project boilerplate for Flask driven projects. This boilerplate utilizes Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Migrate, Flask-Login, Flask-RESTX, and Flask-Script. This project is built to be modular, so adapting it to your project should take little to no effort.


  • Database ORM (Flask-SQLAlchemy)
  • DB Management (Flask-Migrate)
  • User Login (Flask-Login)
  • API Tokens (Flask-Login, with custom methods)
  • RESTful API (Flask-RESTX)
  • Modular Structure for Database Models, Front End, and multi-version API backends.
  • Starter VueJS and Bootstrap 4 front end template (I digress, not the best JS developer, and this should probably be built and served with NodeJS)
  • Starter pyTests (Coming Soon)
  • Dockerfile Boilerplate

Getting Started

First, it is advised to clone this project to your dev machine. Once you have done so, init a new git repository for your project, and copy the contents of this repository into your new project.

git clone https://github.com/jslay88/flask_boilerplate.git
mkdir my_project
cd my_project
git init
cp ../flask_boilerplate/* ./ 

Create a virtual environment in your project, activate it, and install requirements. We assume python points to Python 3 here.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Familiarize yourself with the structure of your new project. Here are a few key pieces to the structure

  • manage.py - Script used to handle DB migrations and CLI interaction
  • run.py - Script used to run the Flask application with logging
  • app/__init__.py - Application creation and initialization. API version hooks
  • app/config.py - Application Configuration Definition
  • app/api/v1 - Contains the API Objects, with their Endpoints, Methods, and Serializers
  • app/api/v1/__init__.py - Hooks for activating API Objects, and other methods/handlers
  • app/database/models.py - DB Model Definitions
  • app/login/manager.py - Login manager, methods for handling loading a user/API token
  • app/web/views.py - Handles the single pane, login, and logout views
  • Dockerfile - Prebuilt Dockerfile for dockerization of your app
  • docker-compose.yml - Production type docker-compose file
  • docker-compose.dev.yml - Local development docker-compose file

Now that you have an idea how this is structured, lets fire it up and make sure it works. Create the sqlite db, and initialize it using the manage.py script, and run the application.

Local environment without Docker

python manage.py -c development db upgrade
CONFIG=development python run.py

Local environment with Docker

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up  # Local environment with Docker

Access the page at, create a user and test the page out.

Loose Ends

There is a bit of work to be done on your part to finalize the boilerplate.


Create a favicon, and use this site to generate your favicon set. Extract this set into app/web/site/static/img

Database Model Migrations

To build migrations after you have made adjustments to any models within app.database

python manage.py db migrate

To apply those migrations to your test database after verifying the new .py in versions is correct

python manage.py db upgrade

Docker and Docker Compose

There is a prebuilt Dockerfile and two docker-compose files (docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.dev.yml). docker-compose.dev.yml can be used to easily fire up a development environment within docker that mounts the local directories for ease of development. Whereas docker-compose.yml is the standard structure for a production type environment.

Project Wish List

  • Add Role support (partially there)
  • Finish pagination component
  • Finish adding Log DB events around APIToken DB model
  • Looking for ideas on what others may need (see below)
  • Create pyTest tests


Feel free to fork the repo, make changes, and open pull-requests. I am the first to admit, I don't have the best front-end skills. Especially around VueJS (just started). I also built this boilerplate in a single sitting in a night. So there might be typos, errors, and other things of that sort, but it is tested and working, and was used to kick of another project.

Looking for the following:

  • Better ideas on how to hook the front-end (NodeJS?)
  • Better ideas around the pagination serializer.
  • Better front-end all around. Maybe something more useful out-of-the-box.
  • Suggestions, comments, ideas, but trying to avoid it becoming a monolithic project.
  • Better role support than what I have planned.
  • Replace/Deprecate Flask-Script all together, as Flask has its own CLI tool now (haven't had time to figure it out myself).