A simple Go package for controlling Logitech Litra Beam via USB or Bluetooth.
Check the Releases page for pre-built binary downloads.
NOTE: You may need udev rules or run as root/sudo if you get permission denied errors on Linux/macOS.
Usage of litra-ctl:
-brightness int
Set the brightness level (0-100) (default -1)
Build and install udev rules, then exit (for Linux only).
-device string
The device to control via serial number. If not defined, will default to the first light discovered
Lists the discovered lights by their serial numbers and their paths, then exit
Turn the LitraBeam off, ignored if -on is used
Turn the LitraBeam on
Outputs just the device paths and exits. Useful for udev rules.
-temperature int
Set the color temperature using a Kelvin value (2700-6500) (default -1)
-temperature-percent int
Set the color temperature by percentage (0-100), ignored if -temperature is used (default -1)
-user string
User to install udev rules for, usually $USER. Only used with -build-udev-rules (for Linux only).
litra-ctl -list # List discovered lights by serial number and exit
litra-ctl -on # Turn on the light
litra-ctl -off # Turn off the light
litra-ctl -on -brightness 100 # Turn on the light and set full brightness
litra-ctl -brightness 50 # Set the brightness to 50% without changing the on/off state.
litra-ctl -temperature 3900 # Set the temperature to 3900K without changing the on/off state.
litra-ctl -on -brightness 100 -temperature-percent 100 # Turn on light, set full brightness, set temperature to 6700K
litra-ctl -device de:ad:be:ef:4f:a9 -on -brightness 100 # Turn on light with serial number 'de:ad:be:ef:4f:a9' and set full brightness
sudo litra-ctl -build-udev-rules -user $USER # Build udev rules for current user. Requires root privileges.
Feel free to install and use the litra
package that litra-ctl
leverages itself.
go get github.com/jslay88/go-litra-beam
Then import and use the litra
package main
import (
func main() {
devices, _ := litra.GetLitraBeams()
for _, device := range devices {
fmt.Printf("Turning on %s\n", device.SerialNbr)
_ = device.On()
package litra // import "github.com/jslay88/go-litra-beam"
const (
VendorId = 0x46d
ProductId = 0xb901
Handler = 0x11
Header1 = 0xff
Header2 = 0x04
PropertyOnOff = 0x1c
PropertyBrightness = 0x4c
PropertyTemperature = 0x9c
type Beam struct {
Beam A Go implementation for the light
func GetLitraBeams() ([]*Beam, error)
GetLitraBeams Returns a slice of *Beam for the discovered lights
func NewBeam(serialNumber string) (*Beam, error)
NewBeam Get a *Beam via the device serial number
func (b *Beam) Off() error
func (b *Beam) On() error
func (b *Beam) SetBrightness(brightness int) error
SetBrightness Set the brightness of the light using a percentage, 0-100
func (b *Beam) SetTemperature(temperature int) error
SetTemperature Set the temperature of the light using a Kelvin value
2700-6500. Valid values are only in increments of 100 (2700, 2800, 2900,
etc.), and it will round to the nearest.
func (b *Beam) SetTemperaturePercentage(temperature int) error
SetTemperaturePercentage Set the temperature of the light using a percentage
func (b *Beam) WriteProperty(property byte, data []byte) (int, error)
WriteProperty Write a property and values to the Light