- AquaHackerWISMA
- BarakaAka1Only
- BennyKJohnsonSydney, Australia
- bleuwaves
- chenjau
- cjwcommunyXiaohongshu
- cobranail
- csc-EricWu
- danchundepc
- danielbayleyLondon
- DawnLi-code
- dionisokan
- FraserEmbreyLondon
- G5t4r
- hologerryMicrosoft Research, Peking University
- huligang
- illu667
- isaacisnotjonah
- jamespurnama1
- jkotzkerHighland Park, NJ
- JohnDDuncanIII@QuorumUS @mit-ll
- kvndrsslrLeipzig
- LiamMoySydney, Australia
- matthewlindsey
- o000u
- pneumix
- reubnUnited Kingdom
- rhalffRobbert Halff
- robertegelTU Berlin / Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
- spenat28Prague
- STiXzoOR
- w0lfschildmacEnhance
- waterdragon78
- zqso
- zzbsgywn