Terraform module for create AWS Launch Configuration

Provider a launch configuration for autoscaling group.

The code will provide the following resources


module "lb_bastion_group" {
    source  = "git@github.com:jslopes8/terraform-aws-as-asgroup.git?ref=v2.0"

    asg_name             = "web-compute-asg"

    vpc_zone_identifier  = [ "sg-xxxxx", "sg-yyyyyy" ]

    min_size             = "1"
    max_size             = "1"

    health_check_type    = "ELB"
    load_balancers       = [ "lb-web-compute" ]
    launch_configuration = module.lb_bastion_config.name

  auto_scaling_policy_up = [
      name                = "${local.stack_name}-Worker-Policy-UP"
      scaling_adjustment  = "1"
      adjustment_type     = "ChangeInCapacity"
      cooldown            = "300"
      policy_type         = "SimpleScaling"
      alarm_name          = "${local.stack_name}-Worker-Metric-Alarm-UP"
      comparison_operator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
      evaluation_periods  = "2"
      namespace           = "AWS/EC2"
      metric_name         = "CPUUtilization"
      period              = "300"
      statistic           = "Average"
      threshold           = "60"


Name Version
aws ~> 3.3
terraform 0.13

Variables Inputs

Name Description Required Type Default
asg_name O nome do Auto Scaling Group. yes string ``
auto_scaling_policy_up Definição de uma politica de dimensionamento automaticos. no list ``
auto_scaling_policy_down Definição de um politica de redimensionamento automaticos. no list ``

Variable Outputs

Name Description
as_name_to_lb The name of the autoscale group
as_name_to_tg The name of the autoscale group