These files will allow you to use Terraform to deploy IBM Cloud Satellite on Equinix Metal's Bare Metal Cloud offering.
Default values for this initial module version will bring up 3 nodes for the IBM Satellite Control Plane cluster and 3 worker nodes to assign them to data plane clusters later. The 3 worker nodes will appear in the IBM Cloud Satellite console as not assigned to any cluster. As next steps, the user will be responsible for attach these worker nodes to a satellite enabled service. For example, creating a Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud™ clusters in an IBM Cloud™ Satellite location.
Terraform will create RHEL machines for your IBM Cloud Satellite on Baremetal cluster registered to IBM Cloud®.
Users are responsible for providing their Equinix Metal account, and IBM Satellite subscription as described in this readme.
The build (with default settings) typically takes 60-90 minutes.
To use these Terraform files, you need to have the following Prerequisites:
- An Equinix Metal org-id and a user-level Equinix Metal API key or a project-level Equinix Metal API Key
- An Equinix Metal account, with the ability to provision servers, and the ability to SSH into them, and an user or project Equinix Metal API Key
- Set up an IBM Cloud® account if you do not have one already, and an IBM Cloud API Key
- Set up IBM Cloud® CLI or permission to use IBM Cloud Shell®
- Terraform, it is a single binary file. Visit their download page choose the specific OS. Once downloaded make the binary executable and move into your environment path
- Git Clone IBM Cloud Satellite on bare-metal repo here
Terraform is just a single binary. Visit their download page, choose your operating system, make the binary executable, and move it into your path.
Here is an example for macOS:
curl -LO
chmod +x terraform
sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
rm -f
Here is an example for Linux:
curl -LO
chmod +x terraform
sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
rm -f
To facilitate the deployment we have included a template that can be used to define your own terraform.tfvars file. There you will find the main required variables. For a complete list of all customizable variables look at the file. Rename the template to terraform.tfvars and use your favorite text editor to define the required variables
cp terraform.tfvars.template terraform.tfvars
vi terraform.tfvars
The table below describes the variables included in the terraform.tfvars.template file:
Variable Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
metal_create_project | bool | false | Create a Equinix Metal Project if this is 'true' |
metal_project_id | string | n/a | Equinix Metal Project ID. Required if 'metal_create_project' is 'false' |
metal_api_auth_token | string | n/a | Equinix Metal API Key |
metal_device_metro | string | "da" | Equinix Metal metro location to deploy into. More info |
control_plane_plan | string | "c3.small.x86" | Equinix Metal device type to deploy control plane nodes. More info |
data_plane_plan | string | "c3.small.x86" | Equinix Metal device type to deploy data plane nodes. More info |
stack_name | string | n/a | Equinix Metal server name prefix I.e., "ibm-satellite-equinix-metal" |
rhel_submanager_username | string | n/a | RHEL account username or email |
rhel_submanager_password | string | n/a | RHEL account password |
ibm_cp_host_count | string | 3 | Number of baremetal control plane nodes |
ibm_dp_host_count | string | 3 | Number of baremetal data plane nodes |
ibm_create_location | bool | true | Whether to create a location or to use an existing one |
ibm_create_resource_group | bool | false | Whether to create a resource group or to use an existing one |
ibm_resource_group_name | string | "Default" | Name of the IBM Cloud resource group project. Existing one /to create a new one |
ibm_sat_location_name | string | n/a | Name for a new IBM Cloud Satellite location. I.e., "MY_NEW_Location_Dallas" |
ibm_sat_managed_from | string | "wdc04" | To list available regions, run 'ibmcloud ks locations' I.e., "wdc04" |
ibm_cp_host_labels | string | n/a | Key-value pairs to label cp nodes. I.e., ["owner:me", "provider:equinix"] |
ibm_dp_host_labels | string | n/a | Key-value pairs to label cp nodes. I.e., ["owner:me", "type:worker"] |
ibm_cloud_api_key | string | n/a | The IBM Cloud platform API Key |
ibm_region | string | "us-east" | Region of the IBM Cloud account. Supported: us-east and eu-gb region |
Deploy the Equinix Metal IBM Satellite cluster:
First, it is highly recommended running a terraform plan to preview the changes that Terraform plans to make to your infrastructure:
terraform plan
All there is left to do now is to deploy the cluster:
terraform apply --auto-approve
This should end with output similar to this:
Apply complete! Resources: 22 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Control_Plane_public_IPs = [
Equinix_Metal_project_ID = "af5b81d0-789d-456g-9900-e3d4ec36fb04"
SSH_key_location = "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/metal-ibm-satellite-prod-2x9hm"
Worker_public_IPs = [
After assigning the host to a cluster, SSH access is disabled and access to the host is controlled via IBM Cloud IAM access