libtween 0.2 ------------ *** What is libtween? libtween is a tweening engine written in C. It is a port of "Javascript Tweening Engine" by @sole and others at: *** How do I build the source? ./configure make sudo make install *** Usage To use libtween 1) create callback function that updates properties of an object 2) create a Tween_Engine 3) create Tween_Props structures that represents the start and to properties of an object 4) create a Tween with Tween_Engine, Tween_Props, duration, easing, and callback parameters 5) start the Tween 6) update the Tween_Engine in an animation loop 7) destroy Tween 8) destroy Tween_Engine RECT gRect; void update(Tween* tween) { gRect.x = tween->props->x; gRect.y = tween->props->y; } . . . Tween_Engine* engine = Tween_CreateEngine(); Tween_Props props = Tween_MakeProps(x1, y1, w1, h1, rot1); Tween_Props toProps = Tween_MakeProps(x2, y2, w2, h2, rot2); Tween* tween = Tween_CreateTween(engine, &props, &toProps, duration, TWEEN_EASING_ELASTIC_IN_OUT, update, NULL); Tween_Start(engine, SDL_GetTicks()); while(!terminate) { Tween_UpdateEngine(engine, SDL_GetTicks()); . . } Tween_Destroy(tween); Tween_Engine(engine); *** Examples Currently libtween comes with two examples, hello_world and bars. These examples closely match the tween.js examples at: To run the examples, you must have SDL2 installed on your system *** Differences from tween.js libtween is a thorough port of tween.js with a few differences. Tween_Props structures are used simulate javascript properties and contains the following variables: x, y, width, height, rotation, r, g, b, a Tween_Props currently has no concept of arrays. Because of this, the interpolation features of tween.js have not been ported.