
Primary LanguagePython


Functionality right now:

Creates Tkinter window with two frames:

  • frame1 = Board:
    • creates grid of dimensions (dim x dim) where each box in grid is a button 'block' with command 'activate'
  • frame 2 = Harbor:
    • creates menu of buttons for ships of length 2-5, and button 'ready'


  • Button 'ready' calls function 'stageUp' which increments stage by one (starting stage = 0); button 'ready' destroys self on click

  • Buttons 'block' in grid calls function 'activate', which calls function 'deploy' if stage == 0 and calls function 'fire' if stage == 1

  • function 'deploy' uses variables 'activeShip' and 'activeDir' to determine the ship length and direction to place when deploying ships; converts values for appropriate placement in grid 'ownGrid' from 0 to 1

    • ship buttons in harbor set 'activeShip'; click button twice in a row to toggle placement variable 'activeDir' between 'right' and 'down' from 'block' selected
  • function 'fire': if 'block' background == 'lightblue' (ie 'block' is previously unclicked) then gets value of corresponding grid unit from 'ownGrid' - if value == 0 then 'block' background = 'white' (ie miss), and if value == 1 then 'block' background == 'maroon' (ie hit)

    • function 'fire' also calls function 'checkWin': if upon click, number of maroon tiles == number of 1's in ownGrid (ie hits == ships deployed) then prints "GAME OVER"