
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Tower Demo-In-A-Box

This is a Tower demo environment in a box using Vagrant and VirtualBox.

Host Machine Requirements:

  • Ansible (version 1.6 or later)
  • Vagrant (version 1.5.1 or later)
  • VirtualBox (version 4.3 or later)
  • Git
  • An Internet connection to create the demo environment.
  • The ability to run 5 VM's on your system.

Ansible install instructions here: http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html

To install Vagrant and VirtualBox, please see http://docs.vagrantup.com/ and https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

Note: The demo requires an internet connection on your host machine.

Tested to work with Tower 1.4.10 and above.

Preparing The Demo


You'll need Ansible installed and working. You'll also need tower-cli:

pip install ansible-tower-cli

This demo uses the tower_populator project to populate tower with various items. Please have a look at that project, and create a template that suits your needs. The project is included as a submodule for your convenience.

This is to be considered a stop-gap until a Tower module for Ansible is available. At that time, it's likely that new configuration template's will need to be created.


Execute the command below to create and configure the VMs for the demo.

run_me.sh /path/to/my/tower_populator_template.yml

Running the Demo

Now you can log into tower at or the IP you have specified. Further information about tower can be found here: http://www.ansible.com/tower (User guide can be downloaded from that webpage.)

The admin user to log in as is:

User: admin Password: password

Further material to get you started in ansible Tower can be found in this PDF: http://releases.ansible.com/ansible-tower/docs/tower_user_guide-latest.pdf


Thanks to the following github users:

  • dfederlein -- for starting the original vagrant-tower project
  • hectcastro -- for whom I borrowed Vagrant file ideas.