
A modal to alert a user to something utilizing the app builder (LWC)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A modal to alert a user to something utilizing the app builder (LWC)




  • Title for modal
  • String
  • defaults to: Default Text


  • Text for modal body
  • String
  • defaults to: Default Text

field_to_check *

  • Object & Field API Name to check
  • String
  • Object.Field to check if true. Example: User.IsActive on a User record. Can be a checkbox formula


  • Size of the modal
  • String (small || medium || large)
  • Defaults to small


  • Color variant of the header
  • String (neutral || info || success || error)
  • Defaults to neutral

[*] Required


Covert with SFDX; This creates a folder called deploy

sfdx force:source:convert -r force-app -d deploy

Now you can deploy from the resulting deploy directory

sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d deploy -w -1  --verbose 

📌 Above deploys to the default org set

  • Add -u user@domain.com or -u alias to deploy elsewhere
  • To run tests add -l RunSpecifiedTests -r ApexTestName

Results should more or less mirror below

Job ID | 0Af1U000016lG6PSAU

MDAPI PROGRESS | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 2/2 Components

                                                         NAME         ID
────────────────────────  ─────────────────────────────  ───────────  ──────────────────
                          deploy/package.xml             package.xml
ApexClass                 deploy/classes/AlertModal.cls  AlertModal   01p1U00000QWjfrQAD
LightningComponentBundle  deploy/lwc/alertModal          alertModal   0Rb1U000000PKxwSAG