
Downstream of https://github.com/jsmithdev/modal

Primary LanguageHTML


An LWC modal with easy to use sizes, attributes and slots 🎰



Syntax Description Usage
open open model from outside this.template.querySelector('c-modal').open()
close close model from outside this.template.querySelector('c-modal').close()
isOpen check modal from outside this.template.querySelector('c-modal').isOpen()


Syntax Description Usage
header header / title for modal header="My Title"
trigger optional text that triggers / opens modal trigger="Click Me"
variant size of modal (large, medium, small) variant="large"
is-active Auto open modal on connectCallback is-active
empty only use the view slot; No lightning card, header, footer, etc empty


Syntax Description Usage
header header content <span slot="header"> { DOM to render } </span>
content content for the body of the modal <span slot="content"> { DOM to render } </span>
footer footer content <span slot="footer"> { DOM to render } </span>
footer-center footer content to be centered <span slot="footer-center"> { DOM to render } </span>
trigger optionally trigger modal from DOM content <span slot="trigger"> { DOM to render } </span>
view For use with the empty attribute <span slot="view"> { DOM to render } </span>


Two example implementations are here -- works well with lwc local dev server

📌 Can use any combo of slots and attributes (slots override attributes if both are given)

Create a simple modal using attributes and the content slot for content:

    header="This is a header"
    trigger="Text to trigger modal">

    <span slot="content">

        <template for:item="thing" for:each={data.things} >
            {thing.avatar} {thing.name} <br key={thing.name} />



Or highly customize by using slots:

<c-modal variant="large">

    <span slot="trigger">
            label="Open modal using the trigger slot instead of the trigger attribute to pass in DOM instead of text"

    <span slot="header">
        <a href="lwc.land" target="_blank">
          This is a custom header using the header slot instead of the header attribute to pass in DOM instead of text

    <span slot="content">

        <template for:item="thing" for:each={data.things} >
            {thing.avatar} {thing.name} <br key={thing.name} />


    <span slot="footer">

            label="Can pass in DOM like buttons to add the the modal's footer"




sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app/main/default/lwc/modal

📌 Above deploys to the default org set; Add -u user@domain.com or -u alias to deploy else where

Results should more or less mirror below

jamie@the-gene:~/repo/modal$ sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app/main/default/lwc/modal -u some-org

Deploy ID: 0Af1700002qWfDOCA0
DEPLOY PROGRESS | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 1/1 Components

=== Deployed Source

 FULL NAME TYPE                     PROJECT PATH                                       
 ───────── ──────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
 modal     LightningComponentBundle force-app/main/default/lwc/modal/modal.css         
 modal     LightningComponentBundle force-app/main/default/lwc/modal/modal.html        
 modal     LightningComponentBundle force-app/main/default/lwc/modal/modal.js          
 modal     LightningComponentBundle force-app/main/default/lwc/modal/modal.js-meta.xml 

Deploy Succeeded.

Deploy Singular

sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app/main/default/lwc/modal -u some-org

written with 💙 by Jamie Smith