
Fun with WebRTC + SalesForce

Primary LanguageApex

Fun with WebRTC + SalesForce

because experiments 🤓

ForceRTC (class+page)


Though WebRTC has super peer connection powers, it needs a server (or something) for signaling / initiation relay. ClientA wants to connect to ClientB, A makes an Offer, B gets Offer and makes Answer which ClientA can establish with. I'm trying to keep it all in SalesForce and provide a peer connection. You could chatter post the URL, could email it, could set time to meet on the object Connect__c and whoever gets to the record without an answer is Client1, etc.

As is, this how signalling is setup:

  • Client1 goes to the page with no params (read: no record id)
  • She clicks Create Connection
  • After ~20 seconds, page will have created the Offer &
  • JS Remotes, inserting Connect__c obj with Offer__c set &
  • Starts polling every 20 seconds via Remote JS with Id until Answer__c is found

  • Client2 goes to the page with the id of the Connect__c Client1 created
  • The JS see's the param and SOQL for rec and sets the Answer__c

  • Client1's polling finds Client2's Answer__c
  • Profit! (Establishes Peer Connection)

Screen shot - Client1: My computer looking at itself. Client2: My phone. screen shot


Added User select for Client1 to choose who to connect to. When Connection is created, assigns Responder__c to selected User.Id (it's a look up) That'll be used to build a table of available Connections for Client2 (or Client1 too perhaps)

Together (page)

Quick demo of Mozilla's Together.js + SalesForce

Other Stuffs

more about webrtc here

more about together.js here


Covert with SFDX; This creates a folder called deploy

sfdx force:source:convert -r force-app -d deploy

Now you can deploy from the resulting deploy directory

sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d deploy -w -1  --verbose 

📌 Above deploys to the default org set

  • Add -u user@domain.com or -u alias to deploy else where

  • To run tests add -l RunSpecifiedTests -r ApexTestName

Results should more or less mirror below

Using specified username user@org.com

*** Deploying with SOAP ***

Job ID | 0Af1U000019LEW5SAO

MDAPI PROGRESS | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 5/5 Components