
Along with a browser extension, this LWC allows typing and viewing of local/network directory or file

Primary LanguageHTML

Local File

Along with a browser extension, this allows typing and viewing of local/network directory or file in Salesforce


Browser extensions

Chrome Extension: Github

Chrome Extension: Store

Firefox is todo

  • please open an issue and add link if one is found!

  • needs to be opensource if at all possible


Covert with SFDX; This creates a folder called deploy

sfdx force:source:convert -r force-app -d deploy

Now you can deploy from the resulting deploy directory

📌 Below deploys to the default org set; Add -u user@domain.com or -u alias to deploy else where

sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d deploy -w -1 --verbose

Results should more or less mirror below

Deployment finished in 121000ms

=== Result
Status:  Succeeded
jobid:  0Af3b000003ZSudCAG
Completed:  2019-05-17T14:39:25.000Z
Component errors:  0
Components deployed:  1
Components total:  1
Tests errors:  0
Tests completed:  1
Tests total:  0
Check only: false

=== Components Deployed [1]
TYPE                      FILE                            NAME           ID
────────────────────────  ──────────────────────────────  ─────────────  ──────────────────
                          deploy/package.xml              package.xml
LightningComponentBundle  deploy/lwc/localFile            localFile      0Rb3b0000004C9PCAU