The TraLAMA plugin for JOSM allows the user to export the displayed OpenStreetMap data to the traffic simulation platform SUMO, run a traffic simulation and view the results in JOSM as additional layers.

Primary LanguageCSS


The TraLAMA plugin for JOSM allows the user to export the displayed OpenStreetMap data to SUMO, run a traffic simulation and view the results in JOSM as additional layers.

Getting Started


Get the source code from the repository using
git clone https://github.com/jsmretschnig/TraLAMA


  • Docker - Enterprise Container Platform for High-Velocity Innovation


Prepare XQuartz on macOS

  1. Open XQuartz using the xhost + command
  2. Go to Settings and make sure to activate the Allow connections from network clients option
  3. Restart XQuartz
    (this has to be done only once)


Prepare XLaunch on Windows

  1. Start XLaunch and select Multiple windows, Display number -1, Start no client, tick all Extra Settings and save the configuration file. Prepare docker-compose on Windows
  2. Remove the X11 parts (/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw) within the docker-compose.yml file. Prepare Lifeboat on Windows
  3. Start Lifeboat and select the docker-compose.yml file.


  1. Start Docker

1. Build Docker Images
We assume that you are inside each docker folder

  1. Build JOSM docker with docker build . -t josm-img
  2. Build SUMO docker with docker build . -t sumo-img

This can take up to 30 minutes. To build the sumo-img successfully, the memory size for Docker needs to be at least 4GB.

1.1 Docker Images from Docker Hub
As an alternative, the docker images can be downloaded from https://hub.docker.com/r/jetoff41/josm-tralama and https://hub.docker.com/r/jetoff41/sumo-tralama. However, to start these images properly, data from this repository is required.


[NEW] on Windows

  1. Start Docker
  2. Start XLaunch (e.g. via saved configuration file)
  3. Open Lifeboat and click the Play button on the upper right.

[NEW] on macOS

  1. Double-Click TraLAMA.app to automatically start Docker, XQuartz and the TraLAMA plugin (including JOSM and SUMO).
    Attention: Docker usually needs some time to enter the running state. Just open TraLAMA.app again.
  2. After closing JOSM, you probably have to stop the SUMO container manually using docker stop sumo-container.

Note: The application requires the xhost executable within /opt/X11/bin/ and the docker-compose executable within /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/Resources/bin/.

Starting (alternative)

3 Run (simultaneously)
The easiest way to run both docker-containers simultaneously is to call docker-compose up

Additional Information

Attention when using JOSM

DO NOT upload changes that do not represent the real world to the OpenStreetMap server. For example if you add a new traffic light for simulation purposes, an upload would cause falsified information for OpenStreetMap users unless the traffic authority places a real traffic light at this position.


  • JOSM Docker: Port 3030
  • SUMO Docker: Port 4040

Input Data

Network Data

  1. OpenStreetMap of Kirchheim
    can be found in ./data/

Demand Data

  1. Static Traffic Demand Data for Kirchheim
    can be found in ./data/input-simulation/demand/

Output Data

can be found in ./data/output-simulation/ after each simulation

Built With

  • Docker - Enterprise Container Platform for High-Velocity Innovation



  • TraLAMA - JOSM Plugin: GPLv3, everything inside the SUMO container (e.g. Conversion Tools): EPLv2
  • SUMO - EPL
  • JOSM - GPL


This research was supported by the Chair for Applied Software Engineering (Technical University of Munich). Many thanks to my advisor Mariana Avezum who provided insight and expertise that greatly improved this work.


Data that was prepared by the iPraktikum Team is always marked with an i-prefix.

Internal Use

Plugin Debugging

usually: Ant build, versioned in ​SVN


IntelliJ Configuration

  1. Run/Debug Configurations: select Application, Main class has to be org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication
  2. File -> Project Structure:
  • SDK=1.8, ProjectLanguageLevel=8, Libraries: add /josm/core/dist/josm-custom.jar
  • Artifacts: add JAR
  1. View -> Tool Windows -> Ant Build: select build.xml and then RUN
  2. Terminal: go to plugin folder, run ant install or ant or ant clean dist
  3. Run/Debug Application -> JOSM opens: go to Preferences -> Plugins and activate the sumo plugin (has to be done only once)
  4. Entry Point for the plugin is public Sumo (PluginInformation info) {...}

Hint: only the ant install command puts a new, functioning .jar file to both the josm/dist folder and the Users/<YourName>/Library/JOSM/plugins/ folder.


Save docker images as .tar files for an easier deployment

  • docker save -o sumo-docker.tar sumo-img
  • docker save -o josm-docker.tar josm-img

Load docker images
docker load -i sumo-docker.tar docker load -i josm-docker.tar

Advantages: faster; no need to build