
A simple jQuery slider.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple jQuery slider.

Installing with NPM

$ npm install jquery.slide --save

Installing with Bower

$ bower install jquery.slide --save



How to use

First include the jquery.slide.css file, you can also create your own style file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.slide.css" />

Simply include the jquery.slide.min.js file and place the following in the head of your document (make sure jQuery is included).

<script src="../dist/lib/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/jquery.slide.min.js"></script>

Minimum setup

$(function() {

Example with default options

$(function() {
    isAutoSlide: true,                // 自动轮播
    isHoverStop: true,                // 鼠标移上是否停止轮播
    isBlurStop: true,                 // Window失去焦点是否停止轮播
    isShowDots: true,                 // 是否显示状态点
    isShowArrow: true,                // 是否显示左右箭头
    isHoverShowArrow: true,           // 是否鼠标移上才显示箭头
    isLoadAllImgs: false,             // 是否一次性加载完全部图片
    slideSpeed: 10000,                // 轮播速度 (ms)
    switchSpeed: 500,                 // 图片切换速度 (ms)
    dotsClass: 'dots',                // 状态点样式
    dotActiveClass: 'active',         // 状态点激活样式
    dotsEvent: 'click',               // 状态点事件,click或mouseover或mouseenter
    arrowClass: 'arrow',              // 箭头样式
    arrowLeftClass: 'arrow-left',     // 左箭头样式
    arrowRightClass: 'arrow-right'    // 右箭头样式


This plugin is available under the MIT license.