
Fcore Is an AI Framework for Financial Markets Analysis (Active Development).

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Fcore Is an AI Framework for Financial Markets Analysis.

Fcore is based on the following principles:

  • AI is becoming the essential (and hardly avoidable) part of a financial markets analysis.
  • For successful AI-appliances, we need a lot of data and the data should be well structurized and quickly accessible.
  • Market analyzing API should be used to reduce a routine work.
  • All data processing techniques should be treated equally and follow the same interface.
  • Backtesting is treated as an another AI metric and it should be very sensitive to a 'minor' details.

Based on these principles, Fcore:

  • Can obtain data from various sources (AlphaVantage, Polygon, Yahoo Finance, Finnhub) and store it in an unified way without any need to worry about parsing data, altering the results and so on. Currently around 100 data parameters (OHLC-data plus reports) are supported. If you need an additional source, API allows to quickly write an extension to obtain the required data.
  • Provides an API to ease the development of AI-strategies for financial markets analysis. The main focus is on classifying various market signals and estimation of the future prices as a regression problem.
  • Utilizes the power of the 'classical' technical and fundamental analyses combined with the modern AI-approach. As there is no difference in data processing techniques, data provided by AI may treated as a custom 'AI-indicator'.
  • Provides its own backtesting engine which takes into account a lot of expenses related to an actual trade/investment. It handles various margin-specific fees and inflation as well.
  • Can use multiple securities in one backtesting or real time screening strategy (sure, single instument strategies are available as well).
  • Has an API for reporting.

These features allow you to develop your AI-based market strategies much easier and faster than when using a wide-purpose libraries.

Please note that Fcore is a tool which helps you to easily implement and test your own financial strategies but it does not provide any 'out of the box' solutions. Consider all the provided demos as programming examples which help you to implement your own strategies.

Quick Start

Here are some basic examples of how to use Fcore.

The latest version of yfinance library is required to run these examples. Always update yfinace to the latest version using 'pip install yfinance --upgrade'

Data Management

The first one is a basic data management example which shows how to use the framework with the popular data sources. Invoke python -m quickstart.min_data_management to run the example.

# Edit settings.py to add your API keys for data sources. Free API keys are sufficient for this example.
from data import av, fh, yf, polygon  # API wrappers for popular data sources (please note that they are unofficial)
from data.fvalues import Timespans
from data.fdata import Subquery
from data.stock import report_year  # Condition to request annual report.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# This example checks if there is at least 565 dayly quotes for SPY in the database and if no
# then it fetches it from Yahoo Finance. DB connection will be estables automatically (if needed).
yf.YF(symbol='SPY', first_date="2021-1-2", last_date="2023-4-1").fetch_if_none(565)

# Fetch last week of minute SPY quotes from Polygon
now = datetime.now()
then = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=7)
pvi = polygon.Polygon(symbol='SPY', first_date=then, last_date=now, timespan=Timespans.Minute)

p_quotes = pvi.fetch_quotes()  # Fetch quotes but do not add them to DB

before, after = pvi.add_quotes(p_quotes)  # Add quotes to DB

print(f"Total quotes num before and after the operation (it won't increase if quotes already present in DB): {before}, {after}")

symbol = 'IBM'

print(f"Fetch daily quotes, dividend and split data for {symbol} from AV/YF...")

avi = av.AVStock(symbol=symbol)

yfi = yf.YF(symbol=symbol)

print(f"Fetch fundamental data for {symbol} from AV...")

# Fetch fundamental data and add it to DB

print("Get quotes from DB along with some fundamental data")
rows = avi.get_quotes(queries=[Subquery('earnings', 'reported_date'),  # It will get both quarterly and annual reports
                               Subquery('earnings', 'reported_eps'),
                               Subquery('cash_flow', 'operating_cashflow', condition=report_year, title='annual_cashflow')])

# Print last rows of requested data
print(f"\nThe last row of obtained quotes and fundamental data for IBM:\n{rows[-1]}")

# Get the latest quote from Finnhub for AAPL (responce described in fvalues.Quotes)
aapl_data = fh.FHStock(symbol='AAPL').get_recent_data()

print(f"\nRecent quote data for AAPL: {aapl_data}")

Growth Probability Estimation

This is another example of how to create your own basic growth probability estimation. Withing ~70 SLOC this tiny script manages the data, creates a tool for security growth estimation and displays the result as a chart. Invoke python -m quickstart.min_growth_probability to run the example.

from tools.classifier import Classifier

from data.fvalues import StockQuotes, Algorithm
from data.yf import YF
from data.futils import update_layout, show_image

import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta

import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

class Probability(Classifier):
    """Minimalistic growth probability impementation."""
    def __init__(self, period_long=30, period_short=15, **kwargs):
        """Initializes minimalistic grows probability instance."""

        self._period_long = period_long  # Long SMA period for growth estimation.
        self._period_short = period_short  # Short SMA period for growth estimation.

        self._probability = True  # Calculate probabilities in the tool
        self._classify = False  # No need to perform classification
        self._use_sell = False  # Sell signals are not used by this tool

    def prepare(self, rows=None):
        """Prepare the DataFrame for learning/estimation."""
        df = pd.DataFrame(self._rows) if rows is None else pd.DataFrame(rows)  # Create the dataframe base on provided data

        # Calculate required technical indicators
        ma_long = ta.sma(df[StockQuotes.AdjClose], length = self._period_long)  # Long SMA
        ma_short = ta.sma(df[StockQuotes.AdjClose], length = self._period_short)  # Short SMA
        pvo = ta.pvo(df[StockQuotes.Volume])  # Percentage volume oscillator

        # Prepare data for learning/estimation
        df['pvo'] = pvo.iloc[:, 0]
        df['ma-long'] = ma_long
        df['ma-short'] = ma_short
        df['quote'] = df[StockQuotes.AdjClose]
        df['ma-diff'] = ((ma_long - ma_short) / ma_long)  # Ratio of difference between long and short SMAs
        df['hilo-diff'] = ((df[StockQuotes.High] - df[StockQuotes.Low]) / df[StockQuotes.High])  # Ratio of difference between High and Low

        self._data_to_est = ['pvo', 'ma-diff', 'hilo-diff']  # Columns to learn/estimate
        self._data_to_report = self._data_to_est + ['ma-long', 'ma-short', 'quote']  # Columns for reporting

        # Get rid of the values where MA is not calculated because they are useless for learning.
        return df[self._period_long-1:].reset_index().drop(['index'], axis=1)

    def get_buy_condition(self, df):
        """Get buy condiiton to check signals."""
        curr_quote = df[StockQuotes.AdjClose]
        next_quote = df[StockQuotes.AdjClose].shift(-abs(self._cycle_num))

        return (next_quote - curr_quote) / curr_quote >= self._true_ratio

# Demonstration

threshold_learn, threshold_test = 5284, 565  # Quotes num thresholds for the learning and testing
period_long, period_short = (50, 25)  # Periods for SMAs

# Get data for training/testing a model with the number of quotes >= threshold
# All the data will be cached in a database without the need of further fetching
rows_learn, length_learn = YF(symbol='SPY', first_date="2000-1-1", last_date="2021-1-1").fetch_if_none(threshold_learn)
rows_test, length_test = YF(symbol='SPY', first_date="2021-1-2", last_date="2023-4-1").fetch_if_none(threshold_test)

prob = Probability(period_long=period_long,
                   true_ratio=0.004,  # Ratio when signal is considered as true in cycle_num.
                                      # For example, if true_ratio is 0.03 and cycle_num is 5,
                                      # then the signal will be considered as true if there was a 3% change in
                                      # quote in the following 5 cycles after getting the signal.
                   cycle_num=2,  # Nuber of cycles to reach true_ratio to consider the signal as true.

df = prob.get_results()

# Buind the report
fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, row_width=[0.3, 0.7],
                    specs=[[{"secondary_y": False}],
                            [{"secondary_y": False}]])

fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['dt'], y=df['quote'], name="AdjClose"), secondary_y=False)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['dt'], y=df['ma-long'], name="Long MA"), secondary_y=False)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['dt'], y=df['ma-short'], name="Short MA"), secondary_y=False)

# Add probabilities chart
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df['dt'], y=df['buy-prob'], fill='tozeroy', name="Growth Probability"), row=2, col=1)

update_layout(fig, "Probabilities Example Chart", len(rows_test))

The script will generate a chart with close price and moving averages and also a subchart with growth probabilities at corresponding moments of time: Growth Probability Report

Backtesting and Classification of Technical Analysis Signals

Using market analysis API provided by Fcore you can easily classify nearly every event which happens on a market. This is an example of 'SMA vs Price' strategy when technical analysis signals are distinguished by AI of being true/false. This example also performs a backtest to compare results with and without AI usage on the similar strategy. Invoke python -m quickstart.min_ma_classification to run the example.

from data.fvalues import Algorithm
from tools.ma_classifier import MAClassifier

from backtest.ma_classification import MAClassification
from backtest.ma import MA
from backtest.stock import StockData
from backtest.reporting import Report

from data.yf import YF

import plotly.graph_objects as go

threshold_learn = 5284  # Quotes num threshold for the learning
threshold_test = 565  # Quotes num threshold for the test

period = 50  # SMA period

min_width = 2500 # Minimum width for reporting
height = 250  # Height of each subchart in reporting

# Get data for training/testing a model with the number of quotes >= threshold
# All the data will be cached in a database without the need of further fetching
rows_learn, length_learn = YF(symbol='SPY', first_date="2000-1-1", last_date="2021-1-1").fetch_if_none(threshold_learn)
rows_test, length_test = YF(symbol='SPY', first_date="2021-1-2", last_date="2023-4-1").fetch_if_none(threshold_test)

# Train the model
classifier = MAClassifier(period=period,  # SMA Period
                          data_to_learn=[rows_learn],  # Raw quote data to train the model
                          true_ratio=0.004,  # Ratio when signal is considered as true in cycle_num.
                                             # For example, if true_ratio is 0.03 and cycle_num is 5,
                                             # then the signal will be considered as true if there was a 3% change in
                                             # quote in the following 5 cycles after getting the signal.
                          cycle_num=2,  # Nuber of cycles to reach true_ratio to consider the signal as true.
                          algorithm=Algorithm.LDA)  # Classification algorithm to use.


# Perform the backtest

# Define backtesting parameters for SPY
quotes = StockData(rows=rows_test,  # Raw quote data
                   spread=0.1,  # Expected spread
                   trend_change_period=2,  # Num of trade cycles (Days) when a stable trend is considered as changed
                   trend_change_percent=2  # Change in percent to consider the trend as changed immediately

# Parameters for backtesting
params = {
    'data': [quotes],
    'commission': 2.5,
    'initial_deposit': 10000,
    'periodic_deposit': 500,
    'deposit_interval': 30,
    'inflation': 2.5,
    'period': period,
    'margin_rec': 0.9,  # Use some margin (required and recommended) to test shorting.
    'margin_req': 1

# Perform backtest using AI classification of signals
classification = MAClassification(**params, classifier=classifier)

classification.calculate()  # It starts the calculation in a separate thread which allows you to make a parralel computations
                            # if you use a Pyhon interpreter without GIL.

# Regular strategy (without classifying signals) for comparison
ma = MA(**params)


results_cls = classification.get_results()  # Wait till calculation finishes and return the results.
results_cmp = ma.get_results()

# Generate a report with performance comparison
report = Report(data=results_cls, width=max(length_test, min_width), margin=True)

fig_quotes = report.add_quotes_chart(title="MA/Quote Cross + AI Backtesting Example")
fig_quotes.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=results_cls.DateTime, y=results_cls.Symbols[0].Tech[0], mode='lines', name="MA", line=dict(color="green")))

fig_cmp = report.add_quotes_chart(title="Regular MA/Quote cross Example for Comparison", data=results_cmp, height=height)
fig_cmp.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=results_cmp.DateTime, y=results_cmp.Symbols[0].Tech[0], mode='lines', name="MA", line=dict(color="green")))

fig_portf = report.add_portfolio_chart(height=height)
fig_portf.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=results_cmp.DateTime, y=results_cmp.TotalValue, mode='lines', name="MA Cross Results"))


# Add annotations with strategy results
report.add_annotations(title="MA Classifier performance:")
report.add_annotations(data=results_cmp, title="Regular MA/Price Crossover performance:")

# Show image

It is the report generated by the script above: Backtesting Report

Here we see that AI helped to better distinguish some signals of the strategy and decreased the loses.

Other Examples

The examples above are only a little part of what Fcore is capable. The following examples illustrates the wider usage of the framework.

Use the following tools to manage quotes and obtain data.

Examples of custom data processing tools which are relied on AI:

Examples of a screening strategy:

Examples of backtesting strategies:

Note that the tools and backtesting demos create an image with the result of a calculation located in images folder and open the image in the default image viewer.

Additional Details

To keep everything working, please keep all the dependencies up to date. Especially the dependencies which are related to data sources (like yfinance).

Currently Fcore is in the active development stage and is not promoted anywhere yet. However, if you found it and feel interested, sure you are welcome to observe the development process or contribute to the project. The 'general idea' of Fcore will remain the same but APIs still may change.

The repository uses two branches: 'main' and 'devel'. The 'main' branch is usually stable but as a verification process is not fully established yet, sometimes bugs may be committed there. The 'devel' branch is used for 'intermediate' development commits and it is not intended to be stable or even working. See TODO's (followed by priority) in the code for what is going to be implemented/fixed in the future.

Overall, the next development steps are (planned to finish in Autumn 2023):

  • Continue to adopt the project to use various data sources and store the fundamental data in a unified way. Data sources are Yahoo Finance (for demonstration purposes only), Polygon.IO, AlphaVantahe and Finnhub.io (already implemented).
  • Continue to implement the API for AI-based analysis of financial markets. Exact description should be written how to use this API.
  • Further improvements in performance and reliability. Scripts for pre-commit validation to the 'main' branch should be written.

All fetched quotes are cached in a database (sqlite by default). Data-related settings (like api-keys) are stored in settings.py file.

Fcore is adopted to nogil-3.9.10 python interpreter. Use it with nogil to benefit from parallel computing (not fully stable).

Fcore is distributes on an 'AS IS' basis using a custom source available License. The author is not responsible for any losses caused by using the project.

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact me by email - zmiciergt at icloud dot com