
Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Blog API

About the app

A Blog API, with full CRUD using NodeJS, Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB. Allows user to register though the auth route, where the user receives a token. With the token the user can view and create blogs. The user can update and create the user's own blogs. The user can also add comments and like a blog. This app is deployed on Heroku at BlogAPI

Technologies Used


  • Node.js - an open source asynchronous event-driven server environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
  • Express - a back end web application framework for Node.js
  • Nodemon - a tool that automatically restarts a node application when file changes in the directory are detected.


  • MongoDB - a non-relational document database that stores data in a format similar to Javascript Object Notation.
  • Mongoose - a JavaScript library that creates a connection between MongoDB and the Express web application framework.


  • MORGAN - an Express middleware to log HTTP requests and errors, and simplifies the process.
  • HELMET - an Express middleware that helps secure HTTP headers returned by an Express apps.
  • Express-Validator - an express middleware that provides validation and sanitization functions


  • Bcrypt - a library to help you hash passwords.


  • jsonwebtoken - an implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT), which is a standard for sharing security information between a client and a server. Each JWT contains encoded data that is cryptographically signed with a secret value that can act like a "key". It can be sent to a client as proof of authenticity and sent back to the server on subsequent requests as proof of the client's authenticity.

Loading Environmental Variables

  • dotenv - module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env

Testing the API

  • Postman - an API platform for developers to design, build, test and iterate their APIs.

Environmental Variables

These variables are needed in the .env file


Installation Instructions to Run Locally

Clone the project

  1. Create a folder for project on your local machine.
  2. Open a bash shell.
  3. cd into folder that was created in step 1
  4. In the terminal type: git clone https://github.com/jsnmui/blogapi.git


  1. Go to https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. Download the correct installer for your system.
  3. Run the installer.


  1. Create account on https://www.mongodb.com/
  2. Create a new cluster.
  3. Click connect to get connection string,
  4. Add connection string to MONGODB_URI in .env file.

Install dependencies

  1. In Git Bash terminal, type npm init -y
  2. Type 'npm install' before each of the following:
  • express
  • mongoose
  • bcrypt
  • dotenv
  • jsonwebtoken
  • morgan
  • helmet
  • express-validator

Endpoints, Parameters, Schema


In server.js, root route for app.get(/) returns "Welcome to my API"

auth route for login and registration

  • post('/registration') - Register new users. userSchema is used. Password hasehd with bcrypt.hash. Token generated with jwt.sign.
  • post('/login') - Login with user's email and password. Token generated with jwt.sign

users route

  • get('/') - Must be a registered user with a valid token to get all users.
  • get('/:id') - Get a user by setting parameter id to the user's id. Must be a registered user with a valid token.
  • put('/:id') - Updates a user. Must be a registered user with a valid token. Check id parameter to see if the user is owner of the account and updates user information.
  • delete('/:id') - Deletes a user. Protected with token. Check id parameter to see if the user is owner of the account and deletes user account.

blogs route

  • get('/') - Retrieves all blogs. User must be registered and have a valid token. Sorted by date in descending order.
  • get('/nonprivate') - Gets public blogs. Doesn't require registration token.
  • post('/') - Creates a new blog post. User needs to be registered and have a valid token.
  • get('/:id') - Get a blogs by sending the blog id as the parameter. User needs to be registered and have a valid token.
  • put('/:id') - Update a blog by sending the blog id as the parameter. User needs to be registered and have a valid token.
  • delete('/:id') - Delete a blog by sending the blog id as the parameter. User needs to be registered and have a valid token.
  • put('/like/:blogid') - Allows a registered user to like a blog post and increase the like counter for a post. Each user can like a post only once. Takes the blog id as the parameter. A user can like a post by sending the id. A user can remove the same like by sending the id again.
  • get('/likedby/:userid') - Allows a registered user to find all blog posts liked by another user. Takes a user id as a parameter.
  • put('/addcomment/:id') - Allows a registered user to add a comment to a post. Needs a blog id as a parameter.



  • username: type: String, required: true
  • email: type: String, required: true, unique: true
  • birthday: type: Date, required: true
  • age: type: Number
  • password: type: String, required: true


  • creator_id: type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user', required: true
  • created_by: type: String, required: true
  • created_at: type: Date, required: true, default: Date.now()
  • blog_title: type: String,required: true
  • blog_content: type: String,required: true
  • comments: [creator_id: type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'user', created_at: type: Date, default: Date.now(), comment: type: String]
  • likesHistory:[user_id: type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user', like: type: Boolean]
  • likes: type: Number, default: 0
  • private: type: Boolean, required: true


  • Token taken from req.header('x-auth-token'). In Postman, x-auth-token was set to the token generated at users/login or users/registration routes.
  • Token is verified using the jwt.verify method and the unique SECRET_KEY.
  • Decoded data that is returned from jwt.verify is saved in req.user to be used in other routes.