
Automatic deployment helper using Phing and Git.


I was looking for a script that can update one or more repositories using cron.

I first did the script in bash, then I rewrote it using Phing.


How to use

  • In the directory conf, copy the file default.phingit.yml into [CUSTOM_NAME].phingit.yml.
  • Edit the file and update it accordingly.
  • Run the command: phing -f build.xml phingit:main.


A Hook is a custom command that you can create. Everytime Phingit run an action, it runs one hook before: the pre hook and one hook after: the post hook. By default, commands are executed in the repository directory if it exists, if not in the directory where the build.xml file exists.

There are two ways to create hooks:

  • In the configuration file (*.phingit.yml)
  • In a phing build file (*.xml)

To create a hook, you have to follow this particular naming:

phingit.hook.[HOOK_NAME].pre or phingit.hook.[HOOK_NAME].post

Replace [HOOK_NAME] with the name of an action.

example: I want to run the command: df -h after the 'git.clone' command:
 - df -h

or in a buildfile ([NAME].xml in the hooks directory):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project name="hooks" default="hooks">
    <target name="hooks">
    <target name="">
        <exec command="df -h" passthru="true"/>

I want to run a drush command before the 'git.pull'.

 - drush status
 - drush archive-backup

You can also use properties:
 - drush --root=${} updatedb

Command line options

  • By default, Phingit will search for configuration files in the conf subdirectory. You can override the path of this directory by specifying it on the command line: phing -f build.xml phingit:main
  • By default, Phingit will search for hooks in the hooks subdirectory. You can override the path of this directory by specifying it on the command line: phing -f build.xml phingit:main


  • Creation date: 2016/05/24
  • Author: Pol Dellaiera - pol.dellaiera at protonmail dot com