
Simple vagrant profile. It includes only mysql server, where database is stored at ramdisk.

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple vagrant profile. It includes only mysql server, where database is stored at ramdisk. This virtual machine should implement tweaks listed here http://drupal.org/node/466972.

Hopefully, this should boost significantly simpletest test suite execution on my drupal installation :)

Installation and usage

  1. Install latest stable release of virtualbox (http://www.virtualbox.org/)
  2. Install vagrant tool (http://vagrantup.com/v1/docs/getting-started/index.html)
  3. Download or clone this project content
  4. In downloaded directory, call cd [vagrant project directory]; vagrant up
  5. You are ready to go!

Access details

  • db password: root
  • db login: root
  • db host: (host machine)
  • db port: 13306
  • test database (stored at ramdisk): test