A JSON document flattening tool
$ jsonflatten --help
Usage: jsonflatten [OPTIONS] [JSONFILE]
Specify which keys or whole document to flatten
-f, --flatten TEXT Flatten only those specified keys generated from
`jsoncut -l` option as a comma-separated list or
idividually, i.e. `-f7,9` or `-f7 -f9`
-n, --nocolor Disable syntax highlighting
-q, --quotechar TEXT Quote character used in serialized data, defaults to
-s, --slice Disable sequencer
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ pip install jsonflatten
- Python 3 support only; jsonflatten is not currently supported under Python 2.
- jsonflatten is meant to be used alongside jsoncut.
- Flatten the entire JSON document by not setting any command-line options.
- Flatten specified keys in the JSON document using the -f option.
- jsonflatten functions can also be imported into your own programs or scripts.
- forecast.json - three day weather forecast API data
"datetime": "2017-09-09 11:49",
"request_type": "3-day Forecast",
"list": [
"date": "2017-09-09",
"sunrise": "07:04",
"sunset": "19:31",
"moonrise": "22:07",
"moonset": "10:11",
"temp_f_min": 81,
"temp_f_max": 85,
"day": {
"humidity_pct": 82,
"uv_index": 5,
"weather": {
"description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"summary": "Tropical storm conditions likely. Rain showers will bring heavy downpours and strong gusty winds at times.",
}, "wind": {
"speed_ave_mph": 49,
"speed_low_mph": 40,
"speed_high_mph": 60,
"direction": "ENE"
}, "rain": {
"precip_pct": 100,
"low_inches": 1,
"high_inches": 2
}, "night": {
"humidity_pct": 82,
"weather": {
"description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"summary": "Major hurricane conditions likely. Bands of heavy rain containing strong gusty winds at times.",
}, "wind": {
"speed_ave_mph": 120,
"speed_low_mph": 115,
"speed_mph": 130,
"direction": "ENE"
}, "rain": {
"precip_pct": 100,
"low_inches": 5,
"high_inches": 8
}, {
"date": "2017-10-09",
"sunrise": "07:04",
"sunset": "19:30",
"moonrise": "22:51",
"moonset": "11:12",
"temp_f_min": 79,
"temp_f_max": 85,
"day": {
"humidity_pct": 84,
"uv_index": 5,
"weather": {
"description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"summary": "Major hurricane conditions likely. Bands of heavy rain containing strong gusty winds at times.",
}, "wind": {
"speed_ave_mph": 117,
"speed_low_mph": 115,
"speed_mph": 130,
"direction": "SE"
}, "rain": {
"precip_pct": 100,
"low_inches": 1,
"high_inches": 2
}, "night": {
"humidity_pct": 83,
"weather": {
"description": "Thunderstorms/Wind",
"summary": "Tropical storm conditions likely. Windy with bands of heavy rain showers and thunderstorms.",
}, "wind": {
"speed_ave_mph": 71,
"speed_low_mph": 60,
"speed_mph": 80,
"direction": "SSW"
}, "rain": {
"precip_pct": 100,
"low_inches": 1,
"high_inches": 2
}, {
"date": "2017-11-09",
"sunrise": "0705",
"sunset": "1929",
"moonrise": "2339",
"moonset": "1213",
"temp_f_min": 77,
"temp_f_max": 90,
"day": {
"humidity_pct": 72,
"uv_index": 9,
"weather": {
"description": "Partly Cloudy/Wind",
"summary": "Windy. Mostly cloudy skies will become partly cloudy in the afternoon.",
}, "wind": {
"speed_ave_mph": 16,
"speed_low_mph": 10,
"speed_high_mph": 20,
"direction": "WSW"
}, "rain": {
"precip_pct": 20,
"low_inches": 1,
"high_inches": 2
}, "night": {
"humidity_pct": 82,
"weather": {
"description": "Partly cloudy",
"summary": "A few clouds.",
}, "wind": {
"speed_ave_mph": 16,
"speed_low_mph": 10,
"speed_mph": 20,
"direction": "WSW"
}, "rain": {
"precip_pct": 10,
"low_inches": null,
"high_inches": null
], "city": {
"id": 4164138,
"name": "Miami",
"coord": {
"lat": 25.7743,
"lon": -80.1937
"country": "US"
$ jsonflatten forecast.json
"city.coord.lat": 25.7743,
"city.coord.lon": -80.1937,
"city.country": "US",
"city.id": 4164138,
"city.name": "Miami",
"datetime": "2017-09-09 11:49",
"list": [
"date": "2017-09-09",
"day.humidity_pct": 82,
"day.rain.high_inches": 2,
"day.rain.low_inches": 1,
"day.rain.precip_pct": 100,
"day.uv_index": 5,
"day.weather.description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"day.weather.icon": "04d",
"day.weather.summary": "Tropical storm conditions likely. Rain showers will bring heavy downpours and strong gusty winds at times.",
"day.wind.direction": "ENE",
"day.wind.speed_ave_mph": 49,
"day.wind.speed_high_mph": 60,
"day.wind.speed_low_mph": 40,
"moonrise": "22:07",
"moonset": "10:11",
"night.humidity_pct": 82,
"night.rain.high_inches": 8,
"night.rain.low_inches": 5,
"night.rain.precip_pct": 100,
"night.weather.description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"night.weather.icon": "04d",
"night.weather.summary": "Major hurricane conditions likely. Bands of heavy rain containing strong gusty winds at times.",
"night.wind.direction": "ENE",
"night.wind.speed_ave_mph": 120,
"night.wind.speed_low_mph": 115,
"night.wind.speed_mph": 130,
"sunrise": "07:04",
"sunset": "19:31",
"temp_f_max": 85,
"temp_f_min": 81
"date": "2017-10-09",
"day.humidity_pct": 84,
"day.rain.high_inches": 2,
"day.rain.low_inches": 1,
"day.rain.precip_pct": 100,
"day.uv_index": 5,
"day.weather.description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"day.weather.icon": "04d",
"day.weather.summary": "Major hurricane conditions likely. Bands of heavy rain containing strong gusty winds at times.",
"day.wind.direction": "SE",
"day.wind.speed_ave_mph": 117,
"day.wind.speed_low_mph": 115,
"day.wind.speed_mph": 130,
"moonrise": "22:51",
"moonset": "11:12",
"night.humidity_pct": 83,
"night.rain.high_inches": 2,
"night.rain.low_inches": 1,
"night.rain.precip_pct": 100,
"night.weather.description": "Thunderstorms/Wind",
"night.weather.icon": "04d",
"night.weather.summary": "Tropical storm conditions likely. Windy with bands of heavy rain showers and thunderstorms.",
"night.wind.direction": "SSW",
"night.wind.speed_ave_mph": 71,
"night.wind.speed_low_mph": 60,
"night.wind.speed_mph": 80,
"sunrise": "07:04",
"sunset": "19:30",
"temp_f_max": 85,
"temp_f_min": 79
"date": "2017-11-09",
"day.humidity_pct": 72,
"day.rain.high_inches": 2,
"day.rain.low_inches": 1,
"day.rain.precip_pct": 20,
"day.uv_index": 9,
"day.weather.description": "Partly Cloudy/Wind",
"day.weather.icon": "03d",
"day.weather.summary": "Windy. Mostly cloudy skies will become partly cloudy in the afternoon.",
"day.wind.direction": "WSW",
"day.wind.speed_ave_mph": 16,
"day.wind.speed_high_mph": 20,
"day.wind.speed_low_mph": 10,
"moonrise": "2339",
"moonset": "1213",
"night.humidity_pct": 82,
"night.rain.high_inches": null,
"night.rain.low_inches": null,
"night.rain.precip_pct": 10,
"night.weather.description": "Partly cloudy",
"night.weather.icon": "04d",
"night.weather.summary": "A few clouds.",
"night.wind.direction": "WSW",
"night.wind.speed_ave_mph": 16,
"night.wind.speed_low_mph": 10,
"night.wind.speed_mph": 20,
"sunrise": "0705",
"sunset": "1929",
"temp_f_max": 90,
"temp_f_min": 77
"request_type": "3-day Forecast",
"status": "200"
$ cat forecast.json | jsoncut -l
1 city
2 city.coord
3 city.coord.lat
4 city.coord.lon
5 city.country
6 city.id
7 city.name
8 datetime
9 list
10 request_type
11 status
$ cat forecast.json | jsonflatten -f3,4,7
"city.coord.lat": 25.7743,
"city.coord.lon": -80.1937,
"city.name": "Miami"
$ cat forecast.json | jsonflatten -f7 -f9
"city.name": "Miami",
"list": [
"date": "2017-09-09",
"day.humidity_pct": 82,
"day.rain.high_inches": 2,
"day.rain.low_inches": 1,
"day.rain.precip_pct": 100,
"day.uv_index": 5,
"day.weather.description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"day.weather.icon": "04d",
"day.weather.summary": "Tropical storm conditions likely. Rain showers will bring heavy downpours and strong gusty winds at times.",
"day.wind.direction": "ENE",
"day.wind.speed_ave_mph": 49,
"day.wind.speed_high_mph": 60,
"day.wind.speed_low_mph": 40,
"moonrise": "22:07",
"moonset": "10:11",
"night.humidity_pct": 82,
"night.rain.high_inches": 8,
"night.rain.low_inches": 5,
"night.rain.precip_pct": 100,
"night.weather.description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"night.weather.icon": "04d",
"night.weather.summary": "Major hurricane conditions likely. Bands of heavy rain containing strong gusty winds at times.",
"night.wind.direction": "ENE",
"night.wind.speed_ave_mph": 120,
"night.wind.speed_low_mph": 115,
"night.wind.speed_mph": 130,
"sunrise": "07:04",
"sunset": "19:31",
"temp_f_max": 85,
"temp_f_min": 81
"date": "2017-10-09",
"day.humidity_pct": 84,
"day.rain.high_inches": 2,
"day.rain.low_inches": 1,
"day.rain.precip_pct": 100,
"day.uv_index": 5,
"day.weather.description": "Heavy Rain/Wind",
"day.weather.icon": "04d",
"day.weather.summary": "Major hurricane conditions likely. Bands of heavy rain containing strong gusty winds at times.",
"day.wind.direction": "SE",
"day.wind.speed_ave_mph": 117,
"day.wind.speed_low_mph": 115,
"day.wind.speed_mph": 130,
"moonrise": "22:51",
"moonset": "11:12",
"night.humidity_pct": 83,
"night.rain.high_inches": 2,
"night.rain.low_inches": 1,
"night.rain.precip_pct": 100,
"night.weather.description": "Thunderstorms/Wind",
"night.weather.icon": "04d",
"night.weather.summary": "Tropical storm conditions likely. Windy with bands of heavy rain showers and thunderstorms.",
"night.wind.direction": "SSW",
"night.wind.speed_ave_mph": 71,
"night.wind.speed_low_mph": 60,
"night.wind.speed_mph": 80,
"sunrise": "07:04",
"sunset": "19:30",
"temp_f_max": 85,
"temp_f_min": 79
"date": "2017-11-09",
"day.humidity_pct": 72,
"day.rain.high_inches": 2,
"day.rain.low_inches": 1,
"day.rain.precip_pct": 20,
"day.uv_index": 9,
"day.weather.description": "Partly Cloudy/Wind",
"day.weather.icon": "03d",
"day.weather.summary": "Windy. Mostly cloudy skies will become partly cloudy in the afternoon.",
"day.wind.direction": "WSW",
"day.wind.speed_ave_mph": 16,
"day.wind.speed_high_mph": 20,
"day.wind.speed_low_mph": 10,
"moonrise": "2339",
"moonset": "1213",
"night.humidity_pct": 82,
"night.rain.high_inches": null,
"night.rain.low_inches": null,
"night.rain.precip_pct": 10,
"night.weather.description": "Partly cloudy",
"night.weather.icon": "04d",
"night.weather.summary": "A few clouds.",
"night.wind.direction": "WSW",
"night.wind.speed_ave_mph": 16,
"night.wind.speed_low_mph": 10,
"night.wind.speed_mph": 20,
"sunrise": "0705",
"sunset": "1929",
"temp_f_max": 90,
"temp_f_min": 77
jsonflatten was written by Tim Phillips.
Brian Peterson, creator of JSON Transformations