
demo for inject & hook in sandbox

Primary LanguageC++


demo for inject & hook in sandbox you can use in va or dr clone etc.... also can use in a root device...

How to use

  • set hook target:

public final static String targetPkg = "com.trendmicro.speedy";

  • set abi with hook target:

abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a'.

copy libsandhook.so from sandhook to assets

  • set hook item


  • check path with target android version:

jobject loader = load_module("/data/app/com.swift.hookdemo-1/base.apk"); String soNewPath = "/data/data/" + targetPkg + "/lib/libsandhook32.so";


Hook: https://github.com/ganyao114/SandHook

Inject: https://github.com/hluwa/Android-Injector