
Docker container to sync a folder to Amazon S3

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Docker image that periodically syncs a folder to Amazon S3 using the AWS Command Line Interface tool and cron.


docker run -d [OPTIONS] jsonfry/aws-s3-sync

Required Parameters:

  • -e KEY=<KEY>: User Access Key
  • -e SECRET=<SECRET>: User Access Secret
  • -e REGION=<REGION>: Region of your bucket
  • -e BUCKET=<BUCKET>: The name of your bucket
  • -e CRON_SCHEDULE="0 1 * * *": specifies when cron job starts (details), e.g. 0 1 * * * (runs every night at 1:00).
  • -v /path/to/backup:/data:ro: mount target local folder to container's data folder. Content of this folder will be synced with S3 bucket.

Optional parameters:

  • -e PARAMS=: parameters to pass to the sync command (full list here).

  • -e BUCKET_PATH=<BUCKET_PATH>: The path of your s3 bucket where the files should be synced to (must start with a slash), defaults to "/" to sync to bucket root

  • now: run container once and exit (no cron scheduling).


Sync every hour with cron schedule (container keeps running):

docker run -d \
    -e KEY=mykey \
    -e SECRET=mysecret \
    -e REGION=region \
    -e BUCKET=mybucket \
    -e CRON_SCHEDULE="0 * * * *" \
    -e BUCKET_PATH=/path \
    -e CRON_SCHEDULE="0 1 * * *" \
    -v /home/user/data:/data:ro \

Sync just once (container is deleted afterwards):

docker run --rm \
    -e KEY=mykey \
    -e SECRET=mysecret \
    -e REGION=region \
    -e BUCKET=mybucket \
    -v /home/user/data:/data:ro \
    jsonfry/s3-sync now