
Implementation of the waracle cake manager application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Waracle Cake Manager Micro Service

Build Status https://travis-ci.org/jsonking/cake-manager



Requires Java 8

./gradlew clean build


./gradlew bootRun

Web server will run at http://localhost:8282/

A single cake has been baked into the system for you to enjoy!


  • GET / (web page)
  • GET /cake/{id} - Returns the details of a single cake
  • GET /cakes - Returns details of all cakes in json format
  • POST /cakes - Create a new cake

Example - create a new cake

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name":"Cheesecake","description":"Cheesecake is a sweet dessert consisting of one or more layers","imageURL":"https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/images/2017/06/20170526-no-bake-cheesecake-vicky-wasik-18-1500x1125.jpg"}' http://localhost:8282/cakes

User Interface

The code for the user interface is located in the cake-manager-ui folder. This is developed using the React Framework.

Start the user interface for development (requires nodejs). Your browser will open at http://localhost:3000

cd cake-manager-ui
npm install
npm start

Start the server with cors security enabled:

./gradlew bootRun -Dspring.profiles.active=localtesting

Build the react application and bundle within the spring-boot application:

cd cake-manager-ui
npm run-script build

Note: The above command builds then copies the React application to the src/main/resources/static directory. The built application files are also checked in there so that the application can be started easily.



Example commands to build and run a docker image locally

./gradlew jibDockerBuild --image=waracle/cake-manager
docker run -p 8989:8282 -t waracle/cake-manager

The application will then be accessible at http://localhost:8989/


  • Improved UI error handling and validation
  • Authentication via OAuth2