- 4
Kubernetes 1.23 compatibility
#417 opened by Its-Alex - 2
Generator can not properly handle keys/values with operand characters (ie $)
#307 opened by tyler-adam - 1
- 1
- 5
Version discovery and automated updates
#240 opened by yuriy-yarosh - 1
How to dynamically create volume for a deployment
#237 opened by heurtematte - 7
- 2
mapContainer doesn't work on pod.
#79 opened by Jezza - 2
- 1
Allow loading CRD data from a local file
#381 opened by VSpike - 0
- 0
Kubernetes 1.26 support
#238 opened by yuriy-yarosh - 5
- 5
Kubernetes 1.22+ breaks docsonnet
#171 opened by irizzant - 1
escapeKey does not escape / (forward slash)
#185 opened by jsmcnair - 0
- 10
New CRD generation only includes resource kinds
#34 opened by Geethree - 4
Kubernetes 1.22+ breaks docsonnet
#132 opened by xvzf - 3
- 0
generate k8s-libsonnet 1.24
#172 opened by jouve - 6
- 4
Feature request: add prefix for downloaded library to avoid same version number conflict with other library
#143 opened by c0ffeec0der - 7
bazel rules
#37 opened by Geethree - 4
doc-util/main.libsonnet missed
#78 opened by m-messiah - 2
- 1
With fluent/fluenbit-operator, generator fails with: Expected token IDENTIFIER but got "null" while parsing parameter
#116 opened by davidovich - 3
Using multiple specs ( for multiple versions ) in a single CRD based library fail
#60 opened by primeroz - 1
- 6
Strimzi CRD error `got -: {`
#38 opened by primeroz - 2
IDE Completion / Interface Processes?
#27 opened by midnightconman - 2
Migrate CRD creation automation to jsonnet-libs
#19 opened by xvzf - 1
- 3
Allow overriding podLabels' default "name" key
#14 opened by dave08 - 1
- 0
- 0
Document incompatibilities with ksonnet-lib
#17 opened by sh0rez - 2
Jsonnet + VSCODE + autocomple
#10 opened by Asgoret - 3
roleBinding and clusterRoleBinding: withRoleRef
#15 opened by fculpo - 4
Missing List Object
#9 opened by midnightconman - 2
Generation for k8s 1.19 to k8s-alpha repo
#16 opened by dave08 - 11
Support for CustomResourceDefinitions
#3 opened by bgagnon - 1
Split by kind
#1 opened by sh0rez