JSON-Schema is used here to define and validate our proposed resume json
Pinned issues
- 0
- 1
Social/Network Icon list
#492 opened by aaiezza - 0
Replace project description with a highlights array
#491 opened by lukew3 - 0
EuroPass XML compatibility ?
#490 opened by AmauryVanEspen - 2
Feedback for the job schema
#487 opened by DandyLyons - 0
#489 opened by DandyLyons - 1
Schema improvements
#485 opened by shaedrich - 0
Skill management
#486 opened by shaedrich - 2
`meta.canonical` in `sample.resume.json` is 404
#470 opened by etu - 5
End Date for Ongoing Employment
#480 opened by zendritic - 1
Idea: Could highlights have tags/keywords?
#464 opened by stkrzysiak - 1
References and meta data
#483 opened by AbyssalRemark - 6
Relaxed requirements for JSON resume
#482 opened by JohnScience - 4
Features ideas
#467 opened by charafsalmi - 4
Proposal to submit this as a standard.
#481 opened by schneidergithub - 5
Certification expiry date
#468 opened by IskanderNovena - 1
Add end date or expiry date to certificates section
#457 opened by hugginsio - 1
Missing Specification for Certifications
#479 opened by Go-Cybersec - 0
Create a guide to issue submissions
#478 opened by thomasdavis - 2
Organization description
#477 opened by micahchoo - 2
Add a "pronouns" field
#475 opened by mynnx - 2
Need first name +middle name + last name
#433 opened by hankconn - 0
Skill keywords on project level
#476 opened by pietz - 3
Reconsider adding pronouns field
#447 opened by kindrowboat - 3
Position does not allow for array
#438 opened by johnvilsack - 1
Multi language support
#455 opened by willm - 2
Resume date & label
#434 opened by hankconn - 0
JSON-LD Vocabulary
#435 opened by davidbarratt - 2
Add highlights[] to .basic ?
#465 opened by ytjohn - 3
- 2
Add teaching and talks
#466 opened by apotiron - 1
Disclosures - race; veteran; work status; &c
#451 opened by Hefeweizen - 3
- 6
question: about ResumeToPDF
#439 opened by vikramsoni2 - 1
- 1
- 1
[DepShield] (CVSS 7.5) Vulnerability due to usage of path-parse:1.0.6
#443 opened by sonatype-depshield - 1
[DepShield] (CVSS 9.8) Vulnerability due to usage of lodash:4.17.19
#444 opened by sonatype-depshield - 1
- 1
- 0
DepShield Deprecation Notice
#452 opened by sonatype-depshield - 2
- 1
Add location to work object
#458 opened by vikramsoni2 - 1
How to use the image field ?
#449 opened by mathisgauthey - 2
Certificates section missing
#431 opened by pcranger - 0
Format error with string fields equal to null.
#437 opened by sergey-gru - 0
Projects inside of Work?
#436 opened by pcm2a - 5
Resume json invalid - [{"code":"INVALID_TYPE","params":["object","string"],"message":"Expected type object but found type string","path":"#/","title":"Resume Schema"}] - Please visit https://github.com/jsonresume/registry-functions/issues/27
#430 opened by khanjeee - 0
New properties/fields related to categorization/identification/visualization and non-ambiguity
#429 opened by benjaminvanrenterghem - 2
This is not a valid Github username
#428 opened by wayneamurphy