
Universal js library for reading/writing files. In the browser, the read/write is to the indexdb system. In node, it is to the file system.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Universal js library for reading/writing files.



In node, it uses the fs package to read/write.


The default behavior of the implementation uses the best option available to the browser. The order of preference is as follows:

  • File and Entries API
  • IndexedDB
  • LocalStorage


Both IndexedDB and the Cache API both throw a DOMError named QuotaExceededError when you've exceeded the quota available.



The following web API was chosen to support a generic browser FileSystem.

Feature Firefox Chrome Edge Safari IE
IndexedDB yes yes yes yes no


The following APIs were all considered in choosing a backend to support

Rejected APIs Reason
File and Entries API Requires permission for each request
Cache Requires a request URL
SessionStorage Limited storage
LocalStorage Limited storage
Cookies really?
File System Access API Chromium only
WebSQL deprecated
Application Cache deprecated