- 1
Scrolling does not work with a small screen
#851 opened by igor3310 - 0
JQuery Version compatability with JCarousel v0.3.9
#858 opened by rcastro101 - 0
- 0
add alt text attributes
#856 opened by ToBulk - 0
- 0
Set size of each item to be fixed for each slide Text and image in same slide where can this be accomplished....
#854 opened by cheyennemtnman - 0
Jcarousel captions strange behavior
#853 opened by bondweb - 1
Jquery 3.5.1 compatibility
#852 opened by marcofbb - 0
Doesn't work on small screen
#850 opened by igor3310 - 0
Doesn't work in DIV
#849 opened by igor3310 - 0
Change left-rigth to up-down ...
#848 opened by stopoverandcatchfire - 1
- 2
Swipe function
#831 opened by Loyens - 0
2 responsive carousels on one page - settings
#846 opened by hejke - 1
Please, update npm repository version
#845 opened by PotyomkinSergey - 0
JCarousel - How to align last item to left?
#844 opened by diegosomar - 2
Rogue mistyped URL in documentation
#843 opened by MANICX100 - 0
jCarousel Glitch Issue
#842 opened by manojmilani123 - 0
To images in carousel stage
#841 opened by patrys666 - 0
what version of jcarousel is compatible with Juery 3 X
#840 opened by Delucy - 1
Quick Question about License Information
#839 opened by spectejb - 2
- 0
carousel completing first cycle too fast on mobile
#837 opened by vibha1234 - 1
Jquery dependency is missleaded with yarn resolve.
#836 opened by p-carrillo - 2
missing css files for npm module
#834 opened by PerspectivesLab - 0
How can I integrate it with Omeka?
#833 opened by vin-blip - 19
- 1
- 6
Auto-Scroll when mouse scroll down.
#829 opened by olegkhorev - 2
The "inactive" of jcarouselControl
#828 opened by chxuzzu - 1
Right arrow on picture
#827 opened by dnguyen04 - 1
[Website] Links to plugins broken
#826 opened by MSandeep96 - 4
Webpack support
#825 opened by dmytro-y-dev - 2
- 2
Scroll on mobile
#824 opened by chxuzzu - 0
- 0
Carousel scroll when prepending more items
#822 opened by mousto090 - 1
Link in item confused navigation
#821 opened by rolandow - 3
- 0
- 3
Reload called on scroll in iOS Safari
#818 opened by jamiesarakinis - 1
- 6
Have support dynamic creating jcarousel?
#816 opened by bruce-wayne-tw - 1
Not working with angular js
#815 opened by gsushil999 - 2
Compatibility with jquery 3.1.1
#814 opened by joaocosta-azores - 4
Loop / reload
#812 opened by gustavohellwig - 11
- 1
Compatibility with JQUERY Mobile ajax links
#813 opened by all2coolnick - 0
Possible to enlargen the image on hover?
#811 opened by JuanAntelo - 2
Unable to integrate with Angular Directive
#810 opened by JuanAntelo