
INT165 - RPA As Easy As 1-2-3: Low-Code Design for Microsoft Office and SAP Software

INT165 - RPA As Easy As 1-2-3: Low-Code Design for Microsoft Office and SAP Software

REUSE status


This repository contains the material for the SAP TechEd 2020 session called INT165 - RPA As Easy As 1-2-3 Low-Code Design for Microsoft Office and SAP Software.


This session introduces attendees to learn how to use SAPs new and simplified Low-Code Cloud Design Studio. Learn how to build a bot for common scenarios combining SAP Applications and MS Office. 


The requirements to follow the exercises in this repository are described in the document here.


The exercises of this sessions are:

How to obtain support

Support for the content in this repository is available during the actual time of the online session for which this content has been designed. Otherwise, you may request support via the Issues tab.


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