
A webpage to highlight great art in Rochester!

Primary LanguageHTML

Rochester City Art

A website that's created to point out local art and murals in Rochester, NY.

How to Contribute

There is no easy method to do that ...yet... but I'm working on a way to add new locations and upload images directly to the website. The full idea is to allow people want to add photos to have the opportunity to do so.


Since this is an open project, I hope to make as many things open and accessible as possible. The photos used for the site are taken by me and are under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

API Docs

The documentation for the API is available on api.roccity.art

Still to do

  • Build a REST API for the locations and image data
  • Build a toggleable Gallery View
  • Build method for others to contribute locations, photos and alt-text descriptions (Open Collaboration)
  • Build community profiles
  • "Walking tour" feature to generate a walking route