A basic AI that solves the Blocks World Problem using searching algorithms. Built in Python 3.8.
- Depth First Search (DFS)
- Breadth First Search (BFS)
- Depth Limited Search (BFS)
- Iterative Deepening (BFS)
The program takes 3 command line arguments:
- Search algorithm: depth/breadth/limited/itdeep
- Problem file name: Choose a .txt file from the problems folder.
- Solution file name: Optional. If it's not specified the solution will be saved in a folder called solutions.
To run it simply type in your terminal the following command:
python main.py depth ./problems/Q1.txt
python main.py breadth ./problems/Q2.txt
python main.py limited ./problems/Q3.txt
python main.py itdeep ./problems/Q4.txt
The output can be seen in the solutions folder
The output is a series of steps that instruct the AI machine to reach from initial state to goal state.
The output move can be one out of these three -
- (from, 'table', 'on') - Which means to move a block from table to a block which is clear
- (from, on, 'table') - Which means to move a block from top to table.
- (from, below_block, to) - Which means to move a block from one place on top of another block. The from block is above below_block
There is no path possible to Q3 in our case so a file won't be generated and solutions doesn't exist will be printed in the terminal