
Convert an Enpass csv export so it can be imported to a KeePass database using KeePassXC

Primary LanguagePython


Convert an Enpass csv export so it can be imported to a KeePass database using KeePassXC

Enpass Version

This version of the script converts an Enpass JSON export (Enpass version >=6). Since Enpass now uses folders as "labels" and can have multiple, the first item in the folder list is chosen as the Keepass "group".

If you need to convert an older (Enpass < v6) CSV export, use the v1.0 tag of this git repository.


Read this blog article for some background on this tool: https://jsph.pl/migrating-from-enpass-to-keepass/


$ ./enpass-to-keepass.py --help
usage: enpass-to-keepass.py [-h] input_file output_file

Convert an Enpass export file so it can be imported to a KeePass database using KeePassXC

Documentation & Issues: https://github.com/jsphpl/enpass-to-keepass

License: Public Domain
Author: Joseph Paul <joseph@sehrgute.software>

positional arguments:
  input_file   Path to Enpass JSON export file
  output_file  Path to output file (CSV)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit


Public Domain