Pinned issues
- 2
Letter after year
#57 opened by austinj - 4
- 5
Feature Request: Support for Differentiated Highlighting Styles for Multiple Authors in `biblatex-publist`
#55 opened by SongshGeo - 4
- 3
- 0
Please contribute to localization
#52 opened by jspitz - 1
ordering options
#51 opened by art-keidan - 2
- 1
Negative numbers
#49 opened by jopetty - 4
Disabling fixyear option causes margin year to appear for all bibitems of the same year
#48 opened by Basmah1961 - 2
- 7
Possible feature - counts within each section
#46 opened by ccaprani - 7
How can I put the year field at the end?
#45 opened by aywi - 3
ddt sort fails?
#44 opened by kieranparsons - 1
format for seminars and conference talks
#43 opened by dkwo - 11
- 2
Author annotations with publist
#41 opened by kaarthiksundar - 1
- 15
reversenumbering=true and type filtering
#38 opened by dkwo - 5
Manually reset label numbers
#39 opened by laszabine - 3
Different options in different refsections
#33 opened by physkets - 3
Feature request: Title first option
#29 opened by abjer - 4
Conflict with linktitle and MakeSentenceCasing
#37 opened by hainingpan - 2
output of textcite
#36 opened by u-fischer - 15
- 3
failure with names with non-ascii characters
#35 opened by u-fischer - 1
Issue with related fields
#34 opened by ienissei - 1
Elements on separate lines
#32 opened by physkets - 6
- 2
- 2
Negative reference numbers
#28 opened by axel-loewe - 3
Literal sub-numbering of unpublished items
#27 opened by art-keidan - 2
feature request: inverse numbering of entries
#26 opened by art-keidan - 9
Own name should not get filtered out as co-editor of a volume in which one also published a chapter
#25 opened by ppasedach - 2
\bpl@ifplauthor fails to recognise authors with initials before full given name(s)
#24 opened by moewew - 3
Highlight Author in Short List
#23 opened by floydie7 - 6
Enhancement: URL title
#22 opened by abjer - 2
- 12
Highlight more than one author?
#8 opened by xuhdev - 3
How to put `marginyear` outside the margin?
#20 opened by xu-cheng - 3
Plauthor by first initial only, or with wildcard
#15 opened by montdor - 5
- 2
publist produces entry “with and <second author>” when omiting first author
#18 opened by andrewufrank - 1
No comma after initial followed by a period (.)
#17 opened by montdor - 5
- 1
- 1
- 7
Honor resetnumbers=true
#11 opened by tpellard - 3
#10 opened by pierreganty - 2
Don't understand \newrefsection
#9 opened by sjkiss