
Vak Overschrijdend Project, UGent 2014-2015

Primary LanguageJava


To do:

Format : Priority | Task | Claimed by

  • High | Error handling (no network) |
  • High | Setting up a uniform format for commenting and logging |
  • High | Remove Foursquare code |
  • High | Remove obsolete code |
  • High | Restructure code (src + res) |
  • High | Review code (excessive use of loaders, multiple loaders in fragment) |
  • High | Review code (excessive use of classes for same purpose) |
  • High | Review code (excessive use of controllers with same purpose: ListAdapters) |
  • Medium | Add a basic Leaderboard Menu | Lars
  • Medium | Add a basic Settings Menu |
  • Medium | Add a basic Overview Menu |
  • Medium | Develop custom cards for overview |
  • Medium | Add pictures(backend + fragments) |
  • Medium | Caching of data + pictures |
  • Medium | Development of web application |
  • Low | Look into JDO conversion of backend + Add REST interface for API |
  • Low | Look into iOS development |
  • Low | Look into notifications |
  • Low | Google App Engine addresses the issue of keeping the instance alive via Warmup requests |

Last edited on : 15/03/2015

Viewed by:

  • Lars
  • Siebe
  • Vincent
  • Jonas