Pinned Repositories
A flexible spike-sorting application
A scenario testing package that helps reveal learned relationships between features and the variables they're meant to predict. Use: 1) Build your classification/regression model using SciKit-Learn, keras, or otherwise, 2) pass your model over to Scenarion for scenario testing and visualization of results.
A flexible spike-sorting application
A scenario testing package that helps reveal learned relationships between features and the variables they're meant to predict. Use: 1) Build your classification/regression model using SciKit-Learn, keras, or otherwise, 2) pass your model over to Scenarion for scenario testing and visualization of results.
jspobst's Repositories
A scenario testing package that helps reveal learned relationships between features and the variables they're meant to predict. Use: 1) Build your classification/regression model using SciKit-Learn, keras, or otherwise, 2) pass your model over to Scenarion for scenario testing and visualization of results.
A flexible spike-sorting application